[ 2024-01-18T19:23:51+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php?s=/Index/indextop INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000008s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000117s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000177s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000217s ] NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. [ 2024-01-18T19:23:51+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php?s=/Index/cashpendinginfo INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000005s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000034s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000070s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000088s ] NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. [ 2024-01-18T19:23:52+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php?s=/Index/orderpending INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000005s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000035s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000065s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000081s ] NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. [ 2024-01-18T19:23:52+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php?s=/Public/login/spik/null INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000006s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000044s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000111s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000140s ] INFO: [ view_parse ] --START-- INFO: [ template_filter ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000064s ] INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000087s ] NOTIC: [8] Undefined variable: group C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Runtime\Cache\Seller\f8933977a3ee7ea47161438390c291c8.php 第 154 行. NOTIC: [8] Trying to access array offset on value of type null C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Runtime\Cache\Seller\f8933977a3ee7ea47161438390c291c8.php 第 154 行. INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.040275s ] INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.040301s ] INFO: [ view_filter ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000253s ] INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000269s ] INFO: [ app_end ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000144s ] INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000159s ] [ 2024-01-18T19:23:53+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000005s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000036s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000064s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000082s ] NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. [ 2024-01-18T19:23:53+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php?s=/Public/login/spik/null INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000005s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000036s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000081s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000100s ] INFO: [ view_parse ] --START-- INFO: [ template_filter ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000065s ] INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000083s ] NOTIC: [8] Undefined variable: group C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Runtime\Cache\Seller\f8933977a3ee7ea47161438390c291c8.php 第 154 行. NOTIC: [8] Trying to access array offset on value of type null C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Runtime\Cache\Seller\f8933977a3ee7ea47161438390c291c8.php 第 154 行. INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.002237s ] INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.002256s ] INFO: [ view_filter ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000078s ] INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000089s ] INFO: [ app_end ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000153s ] INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000167s ] [ 2024-01-18T19:23:54+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php?s=/Public/login INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000005s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000034s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000083s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000099s ] SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_seller` [ RunTime:0.0016s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_seller` WHERE `s_uname` = 'xinyu@sanxiao' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0011s ] SQL: select account,passw from u_admin_login [ RunTime:0.0009s ] SQL: UPDATE `adsys_seller` SET `s_last_login_time`='1705577034',`s_login_count`=s_login_count+1,`s_last_login_ip`='' WHERE `s_id` = 6 [ RunTime:0.0020s ] SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_user_action` [ RunTime:0.0005s ] SQL: INSERT INTO `adsys_user_action` (`type`,`user_id`,`uname`,`add_time`,`info`) VALUES ('运营商用户','6','xinyu@sanxiao','2024-01-18 19:23:54','登录了卖家后台') [ RunTime:0.0026s ] [ 2024-01-18T19:23:54+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000005s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000035s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000081s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000098s ] NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [8] Constant SELLERUID already defined C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 22 行. SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_seller` [ RunTime:0.0007s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_seller` WHERE `s_id` = 6 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0003s ] NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: isseller C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\IndexController.class.php 第 17 行. SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_seller_menu` [ RunTime:0.0004s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_seller_menu` ORDER BY sort_order [ RunTime:0.0011s ] NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: lionadminad C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\IndexController.class.php 第 27 行. INFO: [ view_parse ] --START-- INFO: [ template_filter ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000064s ] INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000081s ] INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.073085s ] INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.073112s ] INFO: [ view_filter ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000115s ] INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000128s ] INFO: [ app_end ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000102s ] INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000121s ] [ 2024-01-18T19:23:54+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php?s=/Index/welcome INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000016s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000059s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000075s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000096s ] NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_customer` [ RunTime:0.0007s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_customer` WHERE `s_status` = 1 [ RunTime:0.0012s ] SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_pay` [ RunTime:0.0005s ] SQL: SELECT SUM(cash_money) AS tp_sum FROM `adsys_pay` WHERE `state` = 1 AND `relationid` = 1 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0619s ] SQL: SELECT SUM(cash_money) AS tp_sum FROM `adsys_pay` WHERE `state` = 1 AND `relationid` = 2 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0104s ] SQL: SELECT SUM(cash_money) AS tp_sum FROM `adsys_pay` WHERE `state` = 1 AND `relationid` = 3 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0095s ] SQL: SELECT SUM(cash_money) AS tp_sum FROM `adsys_pay` WHERE `state` = 1 AND `relationid` = 4 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0102s ] SQL: SELECT SUM(cash_money) AS tp_sum FROM `adsys_pay` WHERE `state` = 1 AND `relationid` = 5 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0100s ] SQL: SELECT SUM(cash_money) AS tp_sum FROM `adsys_pay` WHERE `state` = 1 AND `relationid` = 6 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0093s ] SQL: SELECT SUM(cash_money) AS tp_sum FROM `adsys_pay` WHERE `state` = 1 AND `relationid` = 7 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0086s ] SQL: SELECT SUM(cash_money) AS tp_sum FROM `adsys_pay` WHERE `state` = 1 AND `relationid` = 8 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0086s ] SQL: SELECT SUM(cash_money) AS tp_sum FROM `adsys_pay` WHERE `state` = 1 AND `relationid` = 9 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0085s ] INFO: [ view_parse ] --START-- INFO: [ template_filter ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000053s ] INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000073s ] NOTIC: [2] Use of undefined constant H - assumed 'H' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Runtime\Cache\Seller\96870f9043cc48a1916ba8579f57eb9c.php 第 28 行. NOTIC: [2] Use of undefined constant H - assumed 'H' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Runtime\Cache\Seller\96870f9043cc48a1916ba8579f57eb9c.php 第 28 行. NOTIC: [2] Use of undefined constant H - assumed 'H' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Runtime\Cache\Seller\96870f9043cc48a1916ba8579f57eb9c.php 第 28 行. INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.039049s ] INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.039072s ] INFO: [ view_filter ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000112s ] INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000124s ] INFO: [ app_end ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000120s ] INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000136s ] [ 2024-01-18T19:23:54+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php?s=/Index/indextop INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000005s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000036s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000148s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000165s ] NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [8] Constant SELLERUID already defined C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 22 行. [ 2024-01-18T19:24:08+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php?s=/Index/welcometop INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000006s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000039s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000063s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000086s ] NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [8] Constant SELLERUID already defined C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 22 行. SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_openid` [ RunTime:0.0017s ] SQL: SELECT COUNT(*) AS tp_count FROM `adsys_openid` WHERE ( userid>0 and FROM_UNIXTIME(add_time)>date(now()) ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.2085s ] SQL: SELECT COUNT(*) AS tp_count FROM `adsys_openid` LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0224s ] SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_task_order` [ RunTime:0.0007s ] SQL: SELECT COUNT(*) AS tp_count FROM `adsys_task_order` WHERE `taskstate` = 3 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0218s ] SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_pay` [ RunTime:0.0007s ] SQL: SELECT SUM(cash_money) AS tp_sum FROM `adsys_pay` WHERE ( state=1 and FROM_UNIXTIME(finish_time)>date(now()) ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0697s ] SQL: SELECT SUM(cash_money) AS tp_sum FROM `adsys_pay` WHERE `state` = 1 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0100s ] SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_serial` [ RunTime:0.0007s ] SQL: SELECT SUM(seller_money) AS tp_sum FROM `adsys_serial` WHERE ( trading_channel in(2,3,5,6,7,8,10,11,12,15) and FROM_UNIXTIME(serial_create_time)>date(now()) ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:1.5945s ] SQL: SELECT COUNT(*) AS tp_count FROM `adsys_serial` WHERE ( trading_channel in(2,3,5,6,7,8,10,11,12,15) and FROM_UNIXTIME(serial_create_time)>date(now()) ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:2.1877s ] SQL: SELECT COUNT(*) AS tp_count FROM `adsys_task_order` WHERE `taskstate` = 1 AND ( task_id>0 and exclusive=0 and FROM_UNIXTIME(finish_time)>date(now()) ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:3.1540s ] SQL: SELECT SUM(seller_money) AS tp_sum FROM `adsys_serial` WHERE ( trading_channel in(2,3,5,6,7,8,10,11,12,15) ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:2.0412s ] [ 2024-01-18T19:24:11+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php?s=/Index/cashpending INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000005s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000033s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000154s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000173s ] NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [8] Constant SELLERUID already defined C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 22 行. INFO: [ view_parse ] --START-- INFO: [ template_filter ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000075s ] INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000093s ] INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.045087s ] INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.045117s ] INFO: [ view_filter ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000352s ] INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000372s ] INFO: [ app_end ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000148s ] INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000165s ] [ 2024-01-18T19:24:11+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php?s=/Index/cashpendinginfo INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000005s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000033s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000089s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000108s ] NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [8] Constant SELLERUID already defined C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 22 行. SQL: SELECT p.*,t.nickname,t.headimgurl,t.all_money,t.tui_money,t.task_money,t.tui_count,t.task_count,t.sign_money,t.reward_money FROM adsys_pay p left join adsys_openid t on t.userid=p.userid and t.relationid=p.relationid where p.state=0 [ RunTime:0.1149s ] SQL: SELECT p.*,t.nickname,t.headimgurl,t.all_money,t.tui_money,t.task_money,t.tui_count,t.task_count,t.sign_money,t.reward_money FROM adsys_pay p left join adsys_openid t on t.userid=p.userid and t.relationid=p.relationid where p.state=0 order by p.id desc limit 0,20 [ RunTime:0.0014s ] [ 2024-01-18T19:24:18+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php?s=/Index/wxPay INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000005s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000033s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000085s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000102s ] NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [8] Constant SELLERUID already defined C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 22 行. SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_pay` [ RunTime:0.0011s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_pay` WHERE `trade_no` = '2024011848485049534' AND `state` = 0 AND `cash_money` = '1.00' AND `userid` = 260313 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0191s ] SQL: SELECT SUM(cash_money) AS tp_sum FROM `adsys_pay` WHERE `state` = 1 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0111s ] NOTIC: [8192] Invalid characters passed for attempted conversion, these have been ignored C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Lib\alipay\AopCertClient.php 第 133 行. NOTIC: [8] Undefined property: stdClass::$sub_msg C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\IndexModel.class.php 第 461 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_pay` SET `state`='1',`finish_time`='1705577056',`pay_trade_no`='20240118020070011500290080147512' WHERE `trade_no` = '2024011848485049534' AND `state` = 0 AND `userid` = 260313 [ RunTime:0.0439s ] SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_openid` [ RunTime:0.0012s ] NOTIC: [8] Trying to access array offset on value of type int C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\IndexModel.class.php 第 467 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_openid` SET `alipay_num`='17789813472',`ture_name`='彭超' WHERE `userid` = 260313 AND `relationid` = null [ RunTime:0.0059s ] SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_serial` [ RunTime:0.0005s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_serial` SET `message`='提现至「支付宝账户」' WHERE `task_order_id` = '2024011848485049534' AND `user_id` = 260313 AND `payment_type` = 2 [ RunTime:1.1051s ] [ 2024-01-18T19:24:18+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php?s=/Index/cashpendinginfo INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000005s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000033s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000062s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000076s ] NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [8] Constant SELLERUID already defined C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 22 行. SQL: SELECT p.*,t.nickname,t.headimgurl,t.all_money,t.tui_money,t.task_money,t.tui_count,t.task_count,t.sign_money,t.reward_money FROM adsys_pay p left join adsys_openid t on t.userid=p.userid and t.relationid=p.relationid where p.state=0 [ RunTime:0.1371s ] SQL: SELECT p.*,t.nickname,t.headimgurl,t.all_money,t.tui_money,t.task_money,t.tui_count,t.task_count,t.sign_money,t.reward_money FROM adsys_pay p left join adsys_openid t on t.userid=p.userid and t.relationid=p.relationid where p.state=0 order by p.id desc limit 0,20 [ RunTime:0.0017s ] [ 2024-01-18T19:24:24+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php?s=/Index/wxPay INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000005s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000035s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000104s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000128s ] NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [8] Constant SELLERUID already defined C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 22 行. SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_pay` [ RunTime:0.0011s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_pay` WHERE `trade_no` = '2024011857989952739' AND `state` = 0 AND `cash_money` = '1.00' AND `userid` = 251140 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0522s ] SQL: SELECT SUM(cash_money) AS tp_sum FROM `adsys_pay` WHERE `state` = 1 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0110s ] NOTIC: [8192] Invalid characters passed for attempted conversion, these have been ignored C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Lib\alipay\AopCertClient.php 第 133 行. NOTIC: [8] Undefined property: stdClass::$sub_msg C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\IndexModel.class.php 第 461 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_pay` SET `state`='1',`finish_time`='1705577063',`pay_trade_no`='20240118020070011500290079983042' WHERE `trade_no` = '2024011857989952739' AND `state` = 0 AND `userid` = 251140 [ RunTime:0.0458s ] SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_openid` [ RunTime:0.0012s ] NOTIC: [8] Trying to access array offset on value of type int C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\IndexModel.class.php 第 467 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_openid` SET `alipay_num`='17789813472',`ture_name`='彭超' WHERE `userid` = 251140 AND `relationid` = null [ RunTime:0.0033s ] SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_serial` [ RunTime:0.0005s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_serial` SET `message`='提现至「支付宝账户」' WHERE `task_order_id` = '2024011857989952739' AND `user_id` = 251140 AND `payment_type` = 2 [ RunTime:1.1107s ] [ 2024-01-18T19:24:24+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php?s=/Index/cashpendinginfo INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000004s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000035s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000090s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000109s ] NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [8] Constant SELLERUID already defined C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 22 行. SQL: SELECT p.*,t.nickname,t.headimgurl,t.all_money,t.tui_money,t.task_money,t.tui_count,t.task_count,t.sign_money,t.reward_money FROM adsys_pay p left join adsys_openid t on t.userid=p.userid and t.relationid=p.relationid where p.state=0 [ RunTime:0.1395s ] SQL: SELECT p.*,t.nickname,t.headimgurl,t.all_money,t.tui_money,t.task_money,t.tui_count,t.task_count,t.sign_money,t.reward_money FROM adsys_pay p left join adsys_openid t on t.userid=p.userid and t.relationid=p.relationid where p.state=0 order by p.id desc limit 0,20 [ RunTime:0.0014s ] [ 2024-01-18T19:24:29+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php?s=/Index/wxPay INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000004s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000034s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000070s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000088s ] NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [8] Constant SELLERUID already defined C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 22 行. SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_pay` [ RunTime:0.0010s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_pay` WHERE `trade_no` = '2024011757100984831' AND `state` = 0 AND `cash_money` = '2.50' AND `userid` = 261107 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0457s ] SQL: SELECT SUM(cash_money) AS tp_sum FROM `adsys_pay` WHERE `state` = 1 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0098s ] NOTIC: [8192] Invalid characters passed for attempted conversion, these have been ignored C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Lib\alipay\AopCertClient.php 第 133 行. NOTIC: [8] Undefined property: stdClass::$sub_msg C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\IndexModel.class.php 第 461 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_pay` SET `state`='1',`finish_time`='1705577068',`pay_trade_no`='20240118020070011500700010616769' WHERE `trade_no` = '2024011757100984831' AND `state` = 0 AND `userid` = 261107 [ RunTime:0.0426s ] SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_openid` [ RunTime:0.0010s ] NOTIC: [8] Trying to access array offset on value of type int C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\IndexModel.class.php 第 467 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_openid` SET `alipay_num`='18335357655',`ture_name`='贾秉文' WHERE `userid` = 261107 AND `relationid` = null [ RunTime:0.0029s ] SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_serial` [ RunTime:0.0005s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_serial` SET `message`='提现至「支付宝账户」' WHERE `task_order_id` = '2024011757100984831' AND `user_id` = 261107 AND `payment_type` = 2 [ RunTime:1.2136s ] [ 2024-01-18T19:24:30+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php?s=/Index/cashpendinginfo INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000005s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000033s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000061s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000074s ] NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [8] Constant SELLERUID already defined C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 22 行. SQL: SELECT p.*,t.nickname,t.headimgurl,t.all_money,t.tui_money,t.task_money,t.tui_count,t.task_count,t.sign_money,t.reward_money FROM adsys_pay p left join adsys_openid t on t.userid=p.userid and t.relationid=p.relationid where p.state=0 [ RunTime:0.1457s ] SQL: SELECT p.*,t.nickname,t.headimgurl,t.all_money,t.tui_money,t.task_money,t.tui_count,t.task_count,t.sign_money,t.reward_money FROM adsys_pay p left join adsys_openid t on t.userid=p.userid and t.relationid=p.relationid where p.state=0 order by p.id desc limit 0,20 [ RunTime:0.0014s ] [ 2024-01-18T19:24:35+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php?s=/Index/wxPay INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000005s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000034s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000074s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000094s ] NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [8] Constant SELLERUID already defined C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 22 行. SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_pay` [ RunTime:0.0011s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_pay` WHERE `trade_no` = '2024011710252102684' AND `state` = 0 AND `cash_money` = '1.00' AND `userid` = 261108 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0426s ] SQL: SELECT SUM(cash_money) AS tp_sum FROM `adsys_pay` WHERE `state` = 1 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0100s ] NOTIC: [8192] Invalid characters passed for attempted conversion, these have been ignored C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Lib\alipay\AopCertClient.php 第 133 行. NOTIC: [8] Undefined property: stdClass::$sub_msg C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\IndexModel.class.php 第 461 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_pay` SET `state`='1',`finish_time`='1705577074',`pay_trade_no`='20240118020070011500700010621615' WHERE `trade_no` = '2024011710252102684' AND `state` = 0 AND `userid` = 261108 [ RunTime:0.0412s ] SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_openid` [ RunTime:0.0011s ] NOTIC: [8] Trying to access array offset on value of type int C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\IndexModel.class.php 第 467 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_openid` SET `alipay_num`='18335357655',`ture_name`='贾秉文' WHERE `userid` = 261108 AND `relationid` = null [ RunTime:0.0030s ] SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_serial` [ RunTime:0.0005s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_serial` SET `message`='提现至「支付宝账户」' WHERE `task_order_id` = '2024011710252102684' AND `user_id` = 261108 AND `payment_type` = 2 [ RunTime:1.1089s ] [ 2024-01-18T19:24:35+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php?s=/Index/cashpendinginfo INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000005s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000033s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000080s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000099s ] NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [8] Constant SELLERUID already defined C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 22 行. SQL: SELECT p.*,t.nickname,t.headimgurl,t.all_money,t.tui_money,t.task_money,t.tui_count,t.task_count,t.sign_money,t.reward_money FROM adsys_pay p left join adsys_openid t on t.userid=p.userid and t.relationid=p.relationid where p.state=0 [ RunTime:0.1485s ] SQL: SELECT p.*,t.nickname,t.headimgurl,t.all_money,t.tui_money,t.task_money,t.tui_count,t.task_count,t.sign_money,t.reward_money FROM adsys_pay p left join adsys_openid t on t.userid=p.userid and t.relationid=p.relationid where p.state=0 order by p.id desc limit 0,20 [ RunTime:0.0013s ] [ 2024-01-18T19:24:40+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php?s=/Index/wxPay INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000004s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000033s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000088s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000110s ] NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [8] Constant SELLERUID already defined C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 22 行. SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_pay` [ RunTime:0.0010s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_pay` WHERE `trade_no` = '2024011798981025464' AND `state` = 0 AND `cash_money` = '1.00' AND `userid` = 261108 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0448s ] SQL: SELECT SUM(cash_money) AS tp_sum FROM `adsys_pay` WHERE `state` = 1 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0100s ] NOTIC: [8192] Invalid characters passed for attempted conversion, these have been ignored C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Lib\alipay\AopCertClient.php 第 133 行. NOTIC: [8] Undefined property: stdClass::$sub_msg C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\IndexModel.class.php 第 461 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_pay` SET `state`='1',`finish_time`='1705577078',`pay_trade_no`='20240118020070011500700010885125' WHERE `trade_no` = '2024011798981025464' AND `state` = 0 AND `userid` = 261108 [ RunTime:0.0440s ] SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_openid` [ RunTime:0.0010s ] NOTIC: [8] Trying to access array offset on value of type int C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\IndexModel.class.php 第 467 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_openid` SET `alipay_num`='18335357655',`ture_name`='贾秉文' WHERE `userid` = 261108 AND `relationid` = null [ RunTime:0.0029s ] SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_serial` [ RunTime:0.0005s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_serial` SET `message`='提现至「支付宝账户」' WHERE `task_order_id` = '2024011798981025464' AND `user_id` = 261108 AND `payment_type` = 2 [ RunTime:1.1070s ] [ 2024-01-18T19:24:40+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php?s=/Index/cashpendinginfo INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000004s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000032s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000062s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000077s ] NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [8] Constant SELLERUID already defined C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 22 行. SQL: SELECT p.*,t.nickname,t.headimgurl,t.all_money,t.tui_money,t.task_money,t.tui_count,t.task_count,t.sign_money,t.reward_money FROM adsys_pay p left join adsys_openid t on t.userid=p.userid and t.relationid=p.relationid where p.state=0 [ RunTime:0.1517s ] SQL: SELECT p.*,t.nickname,t.headimgurl,t.all_money,t.tui_money,t.task_money,t.tui_count,t.task_count,t.sign_money,t.reward_money FROM adsys_pay p left join adsys_openid t on t.userid=p.userid and t.relationid=p.relationid where p.state=0 order by p.id desc limit 0,20 [ RunTime:0.0020s ] [ 2024-01-18T19:24:44+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php?s=/Index/wxPay INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000005s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000033s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000086s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000101s ] NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [8] Constant SELLERUID already defined C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 22 行. SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_pay` [ RunTime:0.0010s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_pay` WHERE `trade_no` = '2024011710151575134' AND `state` = 0 AND `cash_money` = '2.50' AND `userid` = 261109 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0589s ] SQL: SELECT SUM(cash_money) AS tp_sum FROM `adsys_pay` WHERE `state` = 1 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0098s ] NOTIC: [8192] Invalid characters passed for attempted conversion, these have been ignored C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Lib\alipay\AopCertClient.php 第 133 行. NOTIC: [8] Undefined property: stdClass::$sub_msg C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\IndexModel.class.php 第 461 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_pay` SET `state`='1',`finish_time`='1705577083',`pay_trade_no`='20240118020070011500700010711684' WHERE `trade_no` = '2024011710151575134' AND `state` = 0 AND `userid` = 261109 [ RunTime:0.0509s ] SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_openid` [ RunTime:0.0013s ] NOTIC: [8] Trying to access array offset on value of type int C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\IndexModel.class.php 第 467 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_openid` SET `alipay_num`='18335357655',`ture_name`='贾秉文' WHERE `userid` = 261109 AND `relationid` = null [ RunTime:0.0035s ] SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_serial` [ RunTime:0.0005s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_serial` SET `message`='提现至「支付宝账户」' WHERE `task_order_id` = '2024011710151575134' AND `user_id` = 261109 AND `payment_type` = 2 [ RunTime:1.1146s ] [ 2024-01-18T19:24:44+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php?s=/Index/cashpendinginfo INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000005s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000033s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000062s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000077s ] NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [8] Constant SELLERUID already defined C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 22 行. SQL: SELECT p.*,t.nickname,t.headimgurl,t.all_money,t.tui_money,t.task_money,t.tui_count,t.task_count,t.sign_money,t.reward_money FROM adsys_pay p left join adsys_openid t on t.userid=p.userid and t.relationid=p.relationid where p.state=0 [ RunTime:0.1480s ] SQL: SELECT p.*,t.nickname,t.headimgurl,t.all_money,t.tui_money,t.task_money,t.tui_count,t.task_count,t.sign_money,t.reward_money FROM adsys_pay p left join adsys_openid t on t.userid=p.userid and t.relationid=p.relationid where p.state=0 order by p.id desc limit 0,20 [ RunTime:0.0014s ] [ 2024-01-18T19:24:45+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php?s=/Index/daytoppending INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000005s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000036s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000089s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000113s ] NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [8] Constant SELLERUID already defined C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 22 行. SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_customer` [ RunTime:0.0011s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_customer` WHERE `s_status` = 1 [ RunTime:0.0011s ] INFO: [ view_parse ] --START-- INFO: [ template_filter ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000079s ] INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000096s ] INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.054918s ] INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.054947s ] INFO: [ view_filter ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000261s ] INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000276s ] INFO: [ app_end ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000167s ] INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000186s ] [ 2024-01-18T19:24:45+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php?s=/Index/daytopinfo INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000005s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000033s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000067s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000082s ] NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [8] Constant SELLERUID already defined C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 22 行. SQL: SELECT p.nickname,p.headimgurl,p.task_count,s.id,s.salesman_id,s.s_create_time,s.state,s.finish_count,s.relationid FROM adsys_openid p left join adsys_task_gold s on s.salesman_id=p.userid and s.relationid=p.relationid where s.task_info="Task" and p.relationid=0 and date(FROM_UNIXTIME(s.s_create_time))=date_sub(current_date(),interval 1 day) group by p.id order by s.finish_count desc,s.top_time desc limit 0 [ RunTime:0.0003s ] SQL: SELECT p.nickname,p.headimgurl,p.task_count,s.id,s.salesman_id,s.s_create_time,s.state,s.finish_count,s.relationid FROM adsys_openid p left join adsys_task_gold s on s.salesman_id=p.userid and s.relationid=p.relationid where s.task_info="Task" and p.relationid=0 and date(FROM_UNIXTIME(s.s_create_time))=date_sub(current_date(),interval 1 day) group by p.id order by s.finish_count desc,s.top_time desc limit 0 [ RunTime:0.0002s ] [ 2024-01-18T19:24:46+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php?s=/Activity/index INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000005s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000031s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000071s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000088s ] NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [8] Constant SELLERUID already defined C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 22 行. INFO: [ view_parse ] --START-- INFO: [ template_filter ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000066s ] INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000084s ] INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.045874s ] INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.045907s ] INFO: [ view_filter ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000116s ] INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000127s ] INFO: [ app_end ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000075s ] INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000088s ] [ 2024-01-18T19:24:46+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php?s=/Activity/indexinfo INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000004s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000047s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000066s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000096s ] NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [8] Constant SELLERUID already defined C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 22 行. SQL: SELECT p.* FROM adsys_activity p [ RunTime:0.0013s ] SQL: SELECT p.* FROM adsys_activity p order by p.id desc limit 0,20 [ RunTime:0.0003s ] [ 2024-01-18T19:24:47+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php?s=/Index/welcome INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000006s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000042s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000069s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000087s ] NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_customer` [ RunTime:0.0007s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_customer` WHERE `s_status` = 1 [ RunTime:0.0004s ] SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_pay` [ RunTime:0.0004s ] SQL: SELECT SUM(cash_money) AS tp_sum FROM `adsys_pay` WHERE `state` = 1 AND `relationid` = 1 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0406s ] SQL: SELECT SUM(cash_money) AS tp_sum FROM `adsys_pay` WHERE `state` = 1 AND `relationid` = 2 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0086s ] SQL: SELECT SUM(cash_money) AS tp_sum FROM `adsys_pay` WHERE `state` = 1 AND `relationid` = 3 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0084s ] SQL: SELECT SUM(cash_money) AS tp_sum FROM `adsys_pay` WHERE `state` = 1 AND `relationid` = 4 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0088s ] SQL: SELECT SUM(cash_money) AS tp_sum FROM `adsys_pay` WHERE `state` = 1 AND `relationid` = 5 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0087s ] SQL: SELECT SUM(cash_money) AS tp_sum FROM `adsys_pay` WHERE `state` = 1 AND `relationid` = 6 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0088s ] SQL: SELECT SUM(cash_money) AS tp_sum FROM `adsys_pay` WHERE `state` = 1 AND `relationid` = 7 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0083s ] SQL: SELECT SUM(cash_money) AS tp_sum FROM `adsys_pay` WHERE `state` = 1 AND `relationid` = 8 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0083s ] SQL: SELECT SUM(cash_money) AS tp_sum FROM `adsys_pay` WHERE `state` = 1 AND `relationid` = 9 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0159s ] INFO: [ view_parse ] --START-- INFO: [ template_filter ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000054s ] INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000072s ] NOTIC: [2] Use of undefined constant H - assumed 'H' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Runtime\Cache\Seller\96870f9043cc48a1916ba8579f57eb9c.php 第 28 行. NOTIC: [2] Use of undefined constant H - assumed 'H' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Runtime\Cache\Seller\96870f9043cc48a1916ba8579f57eb9c.php 第 28 行. NOTIC: [2] Use of undefined constant H - assumed 'H' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Runtime\Cache\Seller\96870f9043cc48a1916ba8579f57eb9c.php 第 28 行. INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.040884s ] INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.040915s ] INFO: [ view_filter ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000119s ] INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000130s ] INFO: [ app_end ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000097s ] INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000115s ] [ 2024-01-18T19:24:58+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php?s=/Index/welcometop INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000005s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000032s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000072s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000088s ] NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [8] Constant SELLERUID already defined C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 22 行. SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_openid` [ RunTime:0.0010s ] SQL: SELECT COUNT(*) AS tp_count FROM `adsys_openid` WHERE ( userid>0 and FROM_UNIXTIME(add_time)>date(now()) ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.2339s ] SQL: SELECT COUNT(*) AS tp_count FROM `adsys_openid` LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0244s ] SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_task_order` [ RunTime:0.0007s ] SQL: SELECT COUNT(*) AS tp_count FROM `adsys_task_order` WHERE `taskstate` = 3 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0225s ] SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_pay` [ RunTime:0.0008s ] SQL: SELECT SUM(cash_money) AS tp_sum FROM `adsys_pay` WHERE ( state=1 and FROM_UNIXTIME(finish_time)>date(now()) ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0743s ] SQL: SELECT SUM(cash_money) AS tp_sum FROM `adsys_pay` WHERE `state` = 1 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0187s ] SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_serial` [ RunTime:0.0009s ] SQL: SELECT SUM(seller_money) AS tp_sum FROM `adsys_serial` WHERE ( trading_channel in(2,3,5,6,7,8,10,11,12,15) and FROM_UNIXTIME(serial_create_time)>date(now()) ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:1.5497s ] SQL: SELECT COUNT(*) AS tp_count FROM `adsys_serial` WHERE ( trading_channel in(2,3,5,6,7,8,10,11,12,15) and FROM_UNIXTIME(serial_create_time)>date(now()) ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:2.1887s ] SQL: SELECT COUNT(*) AS tp_count FROM `adsys_task_order` WHERE `taskstate` = 1 AND ( task_id>0 and exclusive=0 and FROM_UNIXTIME(finish_time)>date(now()) ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:3.0082s ] SQL: SELECT SUM(seller_money) AS tp_sum FROM `adsys_serial` WHERE ( trading_channel in(2,3,5,6,7,8,10,11,12,15) ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:2.2040s ]