[ 2023-12-14T12:57:52+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php?s=/Index/indextop INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000008s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000040s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000142s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000159s ] NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [8] Constant SELLERUID already defined C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 22 行. [ 2023-12-14T12:58:03+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php?s=/Index/welcometop INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000004s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000031s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000058s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000072s ] NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [8] Constant SELLERUID already defined C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 22 行. SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_openid` [ RunTime:0.0011s ] SQL: SELECT COUNT(*) AS tp_count FROM `adsys_openid` WHERE ( userid>0 and FROM_UNIXTIME(add_time)>date(now()) ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.1914s ] SQL: SELECT COUNT(*) AS tp_count FROM `adsys_openid` LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0226s ] SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_task_order` [ RunTime:0.0007s ] SQL: SELECT COUNT(*) AS tp_count FROM `adsys_task_order` WHERE `taskstate` = 3 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0212s ] SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_pay` [ RunTime:0.0006s ] SQL: SELECT SUM(cash_money) AS tp_sum FROM `adsys_pay` WHERE ( state=1 and FROM_UNIXTIME(finish_time)>date(now()) ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0587s ] SQL: SELECT SUM(cash_money) AS tp_sum FROM `adsys_pay` WHERE `state` = 1 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0103s ] SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_serial` [ RunTime:0.0007s ] SQL: SELECT SUM(seller_money) AS tp_sum FROM `adsys_serial` WHERE ( trading_channel in(2,3,5,6,7,8,10,11,12,15) and FROM_UNIXTIME(serial_create_time)>date(now()) ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:1.5974s ] SQL: SELECT COUNT(*) AS tp_count FROM `adsys_serial` WHERE ( trading_channel in(2,3,5,6,7,8,10,11,12,15) and FROM_UNIXTIME(serial_create_time)>date(now()) ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:2.1594s ] SQL: SELECT COUNT(*) AS tp_count FROM `adsys_task_order` WHERE `taskstate` = 1 AND ( task_id>0 and exclusive=0 and FROM_UNIXTIME(finish_time)>date(now()) ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:3.3454s ] SQL: SELECT SUM(seller_money) AS tp_sum FROM `adsys_serial` WHERE ( trading_channel in(2,3,5,6,7,8,10,11,12,15) ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:2.1124s ] [ 2023-12-14T12:59:45+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php?s=/Index/orderpending INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000005s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000095s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000165s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000184s ] NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [8] Constant SELLERUID already defined C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 22 行. INFO: [ view_parse ] --START-- INFO: [ template_filter ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000061s ] INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000086s ] INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.086195s ] INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.086223s ] INFO: [ view_filter ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000209s ] INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000221s ] INFO: [ app_end ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000175s ] INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000191s ] [ 2023-12-14T12:59:45+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php?s=/Index/cashpending INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000004s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000030s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000072s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000091s ] NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [8] Constant SELLERUID already defined C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 22 行. INFO: [ view_parse ] --START-- INFO: [ template_filter ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000068s ] INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000092s ] INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.074755s ] INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.074784s ] INFO: [ view_filter ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000113s ] INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000125s ] INFO: [ app_end ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000082s ] INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000097s ] [ 2023-12-14T12:59:46+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php?s=/Index/cashpendinginfo INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000004s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000033s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000059s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000074s ] NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [8] Constant SELLERUID already defined C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 22 行. SQL: SELECT p.*,t.nickname,t.headimgurl,t.all_money,t.tui_money,t.task_money,t.tui_count,t.task_count,t.sign_money,t.reward_money FROM adsys_pay p left join adsys_openid t on t.userid=p.userid and t.relationid=p.relationid where p.state=0 [ RunTime:0.1279s ] SQL: SELECT p.*,t.nickname,t.headimgurl,t.all_money,t.tui_money,t.task_money,t.tui_count,t.task_count,t.sign_money,t.reward_money FROM adsys_pay p left join adsys_openid t on t.userid=p.userid and t.relationid=p.relationid where p.state=0 order by p.id desc limit 0,20 [ RunTime:0.0008s ] [ 2023-12-14T12:59:51+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php?s=/Index/wxPay INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000005s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000033s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000060s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000074s ] NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [8] Constant SELLERUID already defined C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 22 行. SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_pay` [ RunTime:0.0014s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_pay` WHERE `trade_no` = '2023121348495653462' AND `state` = 0 AND `cash_money` = '1.00' AND `userid` = 212456 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0175s ] SQL: SELECT SUM(cash_money) AS tp_sum FROM `adsys_pay` WHERE `state` = 1 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0097s ] NOTIC: [8192] Invalid characters passed for attempted conversion, these have been ignored C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Lib\alipay\AopCertClient.php 第 133 行. NOTIC: [8] Undefined property: stdClass::$sub_msg C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\IndexModel.class.php 第 461 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_pay` SET `state`='1',`finish_time`='1702529990',`pay_trade_no`='20231214020070011500360050997279' WHERE `trade_no` = '2023121348495653462' AND `state` = 0 AND `userid` = 212456 [ RunTime:0.0412s ] SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_openid` [ RunTime:0.0010s ] NOTIC: [8] Trying to access array offset on value of type int C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\IndexModel.class.php 第 467 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_openid` SET `alipay_num`='18312022564',`ture_name`='王桐花' WHERE `userid` = 212456 AND `relationid` = null [ RunTime:0.0032s ] SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_serial` [ RunTime:0.0005s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_serial` SET `message`='提现至「支付宝账户」' WHERE `task_order_id` = '2023121348495653462' AND `user_id` = 212456 AND `payment_type` = 2 [ RunTime:1.0839s ] [ 2023-12-14T12:59:52+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php?s=/Index/cashpendinginfo INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000006s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000041s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000058s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000072s ] NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [8] Constant SELLERUID already defined C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 22 行. SQL: SELECT p.*,t.nickname,t.headimgurl,t.all_money,t.tui_money,t.task_money,t.tui_count,t.task_count,t.sign_money,t.reward_money FROM adsys_pay p left join adsys_openid t on t.userid=p.userid and t.relationid=p.relationid where p.state=0 [ RunTime:0.1233s ] SQL: SELECT p.*,t.nickname,t.headimgurl,t.all_money,t.tui_money,t.task_money,t.tui_count,t.task_count,t.sign_money,t.reward_money FROM adsys_pay p left join adsys_openid t on t.userid=p.userid and t.relationid=p.relationid where p.state=0 order by p.id desc limit 0,20 [ RunTime:0.0007s ] [ 2023-12-14T12:59:57+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php?s=/Index/wxPay INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000005s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000035s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000058s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000071s ] NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [8] Constant SELLERUID already defined C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 22 行. SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_pay` [ RunTime:0.0011s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_pay` WHERE `trade_no` = '2023121310051981887' AND `state` = 0 AND `cash_money` = '1.00' AND `userid` = 212456 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0435s ] SQL: SELECT SUM(cash_money) AS tp_sum FROM `adsys_pay` WHERE `state` = 1 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0102s ] NOTIC: [8192] Invalid characters passed for attempted conversion, these have been ignored C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Lib\alipay\AopCertClient.php 第 133 行. NOTIC: [8] Undefined property: stdClass::$sub_msg C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\IndexModel.class.php 第 461 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_pay` SET `state`='1',`finish_time`='1702529996',`pay_trade_no`='20231214020070011500360051073774' WHERE `trade_no` = '2023121310051981887' AND `state` = 0 AND `userid` = 212456 [ RunTime:0.0411s ] SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_openid` [ RunTime:0.0011s ] NOTIC: [8] Trying to access array offset on value of type int C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\IndexModel.class.php 第 467 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_openid` SET `alipay_num`='18312022564',`ture_name`='王桐花' WHERE `userid` = 212456 AND `relationid` = null [ RunTime:0.0033s ] SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_serial` [ RunTime:0.0005s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_serial` SET `message`='提现至「支付宝账户」' WHERE `task_order_id` = '2023121310051981887' AND `user_id` = 212456 AND `payment_type` = 2 [ RunTime:1.0795s ] [ 2023-12-14T12:59:57+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php?s=/Index/cashpendinginfo INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000005s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000031s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000062s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000077s ] NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [8] Constant SELLERUID already defined C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 22 行. SQL: SELECT p.*,t.nickname,t.headimgurl,t.all_money,t.tui_money,t.task_money,t.tui_count,t.task_count,t.sign_money,t.reward_money FROM adsys_pay p left join adsys_openid t on t.userid=p.userid and t.relationid=p.relationid where p.state=0 [ RunTime:0.1372s ] SQL: SELECT p.*,t.nickname,t.headimgurl,t.all_money,t.tui_money,t.task_money,t.tui_count,t.task_count,t.sign_money,t.reward_money FROM adsys_pay p left join adsys_openid t on t.userid=p.userid and t.relationid=p.relationid where p.state=0 order by p.id desc limit 0,20 [ RunTime:0.0010s ] [ 2023-12-14T13:00:01+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php?s=/Index/wxPay INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000005s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000032s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000060s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000074s ] NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [8] Constant SELLERUID already defined C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 22 行. SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_pay` [ RunTime:0.0011s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_pay` WHERE `trade_no` = '2023121397985548937' AND `state` = 0 AND `cash_money` = '1.00' AND `userid` = 212456 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0232s ] SQL: SELECT SUM(cash_money) AS tp_sum FROM `adsys_pay` WHERE `state` = 1 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0110s ] NOTIC: [8192] Invalid characters passed for attempted conversion, these have been ignored C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Lib\alipay\AopCertClient.php 第 133 行. NOTIC: [8] Undefined property: stdClass::$sub_msg C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\IndexModel.class.php 第 461 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_pay` SET `state`='1',`finish_time`='1702530000',`pay_trade_no`='20231214020070011500360050822899' WHERE `trade_no` = '2023121397985548937' AND `state` = 0 AND `userid` = 212456 [ RunTime:0.0358s ] SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_openid` [ RunTime:0.0007s ] NOTIC: [8] Trying to access array offset on value of type int C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\IndexModel.class.php 第 467 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_openid` SET `alipay_num`='18312022564',`ture_name`='王桐花' WHERE `userid` = 212456 AND `relationid` = null [ RunTime:0.0037s ] SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_serial` [ RunTime:0.0006s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_serial` SET `message`='提现至「支付宝账户」' WHERE `task_order_id` = '2023121397985548937' AND `user_id` = 212456 AND `payment_type` = 2 [ RunTime:1.0950s ] [ 2023-12-14T13:00:01+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php?s=/Index/cashpendinginfo INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000005s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000033s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000058s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000071s ] NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [8] Constant SELLERUID already defined C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 22 行. SQL: SELECT p.*,t.nickname,t.headimgurl,t.all_money,t.tui_money,t.task_money,t.tui_count,t.task_count,t.sign_money,t.reward_money FROM adsys_pay p left join adsys_openid t on t.userid=p.userid and t.relationid=p.relationid where p.state=0 [ RunTime:0.1299s ] SQL: SELECT p.*,t.nickname,t.headimgurl,t.all_money,t.tui_money,t.task_money,t.tui_count,t.task_count,t.sign_money,t.reward_money FROM adsys_pay p left join adsys_openid t on t.userid=p.userid and t.relationid=p.relationid where p.state=0 order by p.id desc limit 0,20 [ RunTime:0.0009s ] [ 2023-12-14T13:00:37+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php?s=/Index/wxPay INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000004s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000038s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000143s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000161s ] NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [8] Constant SELLERUID already defined C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 22 行. SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_pay` [ RunTime:0.0013s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_pay` WHERE `trade_no` = '2023121348555599106' AND `state` = 0 AND `cash_money` = '5.00' AND `userid` = 260843 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0841s ] SQL: SELECT SUM(cash_money) AS tp_sum FROM `adsys_pay` WHERE `state` = 1 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0193s ] NOTIC: [8192] Invalid characters passed for attempted conversion, these have been ignored C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Lib\alipay\AopCertClient.php 第 133 行. NOTIC: [8] Undefined property: stdClass::$sub_msg C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\IndexModel.class.php 第 461 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_pay` SET `state`='1',`finish_time`='1702530035',`pay_trade_no`='20231214020070011500860077835658' WHERE `trade_no` = '2023121348555599106' AND `state` = 0 AND `userid` = 260843 [ RunTime:0.0402s ] SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_openid` [ RunTime:0.0010s ] NOTIC: [8] Trying to access array offset on value of type int C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\IndexModel.class.php 第 467 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_openid` SET `alipay_num`='c8245@qq.com',`ture_name`='陆恒' WHERE `userid` = 260843 AND `relationid` = null [ RunTime:0.0028s ] SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_serial` [ RunTime:0.0005s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_serial` SET `message`='提现至「支付宝账户」' WHERE `task_order_id` = '2023121348555599106' AND `user_id` = 260843 AND `payment_type` = 2 [ RunTime:1.0990s ] [ 2023-12-14T13:00:37+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php?s=/Index/cashpendinginfo INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000004s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000033s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000059s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000074s ] NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [8] Constant SELLERUID already defined C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 22 行. SQL: SELECT p.*,t.nickname,t.headimgurl,t.all_money,t.tui_money,t.task_money,t.tui_count,t.task_count,t.sign_money,t.reward_money FROM adsys_pay p left join adsys_openid t on t.userid=p.userid and t.relationid=p.relationid where p.state=0 [ RunTime:0.1267s ] SQL: SELECT p.*,t.nickname,t.headimgurl,t.all_money,t.tui_money,t.task_money,t.tui_count,t.task_count,t.sign_money,t.reward_money FROM adsys_pay p left join adsys_openid t on t.userid=p.userid and t.relationid=p.relationid where p.state=0 order by p.id desc limit 0,20 [ RunTime:0.0009s ] [ 2023-12-14T13:00:41+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php?s=/Index/wxPay INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000005s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000035s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000062s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000077s ] NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [8] Constant SELLERUID already defined C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 22 行. SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_pay` [ RunTime:0.0020s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_pay` WHERE `trade_no` = '2023121397499750762' AND `state` = 0 AND `cash_money` = '2.50' AND `userid` = 260839 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0538s ] SQL: SELECT SUM(cash_money) AS tp_sum FROM `adsys_pay` WHERE `state` = 1 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0103s ] NOTIC: [8192] Invalid characters passed for attempted conversion, these have been ignored C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Lib\alipay\AopCertClient.php 第 133 行. NOTIC: [8] Undefined property: stdClass::$sub_msg C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\IndexModel.class.php 第 461 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_pay` SET `state`='1',`finish_time`='1702530040',`pay_trade_no`='20231214020070011500860077820668' WHERE `trade_no` = '2023121397499750762' AND `state` = 0 AND `userid` = 260839 [ RunTime:0.0444s ] SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_openid` [ RunTime:0.0012s ] NOTIC: [8] Trying to access array offset on value of type int C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\IndexModel.class.php 第 467 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_openid` SET `alipay_num`='c8245@qq.com',`ture_name`='陆恒' WHERE `userid` = 260839 AND `relationid` = null [ RunTime:0.0067s ] SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_serial` [ RunTime:0.0006s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_serial` SET `message`='提现至「支付宝账户」' WHERE `task_order_id` = '2023121397499750762' AND `user_id` = 260839 AND `payment_type` = 2 [ RunTime:1.0886s ] [ 2023-12-14T13:00:42+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php?s=/Index/cashpendinginfo INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000005s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000048s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000067s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000084s ] NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [8] Constant SELLERUID already defined C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 22 行. SQL: SELECT p.*,t.nickname,t.headimgurl,t.all_money,t.tui_money,t.task_money,t.tui_count,t.task_count,t.sign_money,t.reward_money FROM adsys_pay p left join adsys_openid t on t.userid=p.userid and t.relationid=p.relationid where p.state=0 [ RunTime:0.1368s ] SQL: SELECT p.*,t.nickname,t.headimgurl,t.all_money,t.tui_money,t.task_money,t.tui_count,t.task_count,t.sign_money,t.reward_money FROM adsys_pay p left join adsys_openid t on t.userid=p.userid and t.relationid=p.relationid where p.state=0 order by p.id desc limit 0,20 [ RunTime:0.0009s ] [ 2023-12-14T13:00:46+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php?s=/Index/wxPay INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000004s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000032s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000147s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000163s ] NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [8] Constant SELLERUID already defined C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 22 行. SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_pay` [ RunTime:0.0010s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_pay` WHERE `trade_no` = '2023121351511005630' AND `state` = 0 AND `cash_money` = '1.00' AND `userid` = 231102 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0457s ] SQL: SELECT SUM(cash_money) AS tp_sum FROM `adsys_pay` WHERE `state` = 1 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0098s ] NOTIC: [8192] Invalid characters passed for attempted conversion, these have been ignored C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Lib\alipay\AopCertClient.php 第 133 行. NOTIC: [8] Undefined property: stdClass::$sub_msg C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\IndexModel.class.php 第 461 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_pay` SET `state`='1',`finish_time`='1702530045',`pay_trade_no`='20231214020070011500920086324590' WHERE `trade_no` = '2023121351511005630' AND `state` = 0 AND `userid` = 231102 [ RunTime:0.0658s ] SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_openid` [ RunTime:0.0014s ] NOTIC: [8] Trying to access array offset on value of type int C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\IndexModel.class.php 第 467 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_openid` SET `alipay_num`='18218636892',`ture_name`='王桐花' WHERE `userid` = 231102 AND `relationid` = null [ RunTime:0.0035s ] SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_serial` [ RunTime:0.0005s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_serial` SET `message`='提现至「支付宝账户」' WHERE `task_order_id` = '2023121351511005630' AND `user_id` = 231102 AND `payment_type` = 2 [ RunTime:1.0904s ] [ 2023-12-14T13:00:46+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php?s=/Index/cashpendinginfo INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000005s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000090s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000082s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000098s ] NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [8] Constant SELLERUID already defined C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 22 行. SQL: SELECT p.*,t.nickname,t.headimgurl,t.all_money,t.tui_money,t.task_money,t.tui_count,t.task_count,t.sign_money,t.reward_money FROM adsys_pay p left join adsys_openid t on t.userid=p.userid and t.relationid=p.relationid where p.state=0 [ RunTime:0.1420s ] SQL: SELECT p.*,t.nickname,t.headimgurl,t.all_money,t.tui_money,t.task_money,t.tui_count,t.task_count,t.sign_money,t.reward_money FROM adsys_pay p left join adsys_openid t on t.userid=p.userid and t.relationid=p.relationid where p.state=0 order by p.id desc limit 0,20 [ RunTime:0.0010s ] [ 2023-12-14T13:00:51+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php?s=/Index/wxPay INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000006s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000040s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000059s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000074s ] NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [8] Constant SELLERUID already defined C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 22 行. SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_pay` [ RunTime:0.0011s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_pay` WHERE `trade_no` = '2023121348999998836' AND `state` = 0 AND `cash_money` = '1.00' AND `userid` = 231102 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0489s ] SQL: SELECT SUM(cash_money) AS tp_sum FROM `adsys_pay` WHERE `state` = 1 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0098s ] NOTIC: [8192] Invalid characters passed for attempted conversion, these have been ignored C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Lib\alipay\AopCertClient.php 第 133 行. NOTIC: [8] Undefined property: stdClass::$sub_msg C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\IndexModel.class.php 第 461 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_pay` SET `state`='1',`finish_time`='1702530049',`pay_trade_no`='20231214020070011500920086142528' WHERE `trade_no` = '2023121348999998836' AND `state` = 0 AND `userid` = 231102 [ RunTime:0.0431s ] SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_openid` [ RunTime:0.0011s ] NOTIC: [8] Trying to access array offset on value of type int C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\IndexModel.class.php 第 467 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_openid` SET `alipay_num`='18218636892',`ture_name`='王桐花' WHERE `userid` = 231102 AND `relationid` = null [ RunTime:0.0053s ] SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_serial` [ RunTime:0.0005s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_serial` SET `message`='提现至「支付宝账户」' WHERE `task_order_id` = '2023121348999998836' AND `user_id` = 231102 AND `payment_type` = 2 [ RunTime:1.0832s ] [ 2023-12-14T13:00:51+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php?s=/Index/cashpendinginfo INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000005s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000031s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000061s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000075s ] NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [8] Constant SELLERUID already defined C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 22 行. SQL: SELECT p.*,t.nickname,t.headimgurl,t.all_money,t.tui_money,t.task_money,t.tui_count,t.task_count,t.sign_money,t.reward_money FROM adsys_pay p left join adsys_openid t on t.userid=p.userid and t.relationid=p.relationid where p.state=0 [ RunTime:0.1398s ] SQL: SELECT p.*,t.nickname,t.headimgurl,t.all_money,t.tui_money,t.task_money,t.tui_count,t.task_count,t.sign_money,t.reward_money FROM adsys_pay p left join adsys_openid t on t.userid=p.userid and t.relationid=p.relationid where p.state=0 order by p.id desc limit 0,20 [ RunTime:0.0012s ] [ 2023-12-14T13:00:56+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php?s=/Index/wxPay INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000005s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000045s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000061s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000074s ] NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [8] Constant SELLERUID already defined C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 22 行. SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_pay` [ RunTime:0.0011s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_pay` WHERE `trade_no` = '2023121310154519999' AND `state` = 0 AND `cash_money` = '1.00' AND `userid` = 231102 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0591s ] SQL: SELECT SUM(cash_money) AS tp_sum FROM `adsys_pay` WHERE `state` = 1 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0099s ] NOTIC: [8192] Invalid characters passed for attempted conversion, these have been ignored C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Lib\alipay\AopCertClient.php 第 133 行. NOTIC: [8] Undefined property: stdClass::$sub_msg C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\IndexModel.class.php 第 461 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_pay` SET `state`='1',`finish_time`='1702530054',`pay_trade_no`='20231214020070011500920086307142' WHERE `trade_no` = '2023121310154519999' AND `state` = 0 AND `userid` = 231102 [ RunTime:0.0443s ] SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_openid` [ RunTime:0.0012s ] NOTIC: [8] Trying to access array offset on value of type int C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\IndexModel.class.php 第 467 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_openid` SET `alipay_num`='18218636892',`ture_name`='王桐花' WHERE `userid` = 231102 AND `relationid` = null [ RunTime:0.0045s ] SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_serial` [ RunTime:0.0006s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_serial` SET `message`='提现至「支付宝账户」' WHERE `task_order_id` = '2023121310154519999' AND `user_id` = 231102 AND `payment_type` = 2 [ RunTime:1.0815s ] [ 2023-12-14T13:00:56+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php?s=/Index/cashpendinginfo INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000005s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000034s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000149s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000166s ] NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [8] Constant SELLERUID already defined C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 22 行. SQL: SELECT p.*,t.nickname,t.headimgurl,t.all_money,t.tui_money,t.task_money,t.tui_count,t.task_count,t.sign_money,t.reward_money FROM adsys_pay p left join adsys_openid t on t.userid=p.userid and t.relationid=p.relationid where p.state=0 [ RunTime:0.1412s ] SQL: SELECT p.*,t.nickname,t.headimgurl,t.all_money,t.tui_money,t.task_money,t.tui_count,t.task_count,t.sign_money,t.reward_money FROM adsys_pay p left join adsys_openid t on t.userid=p.userid and t.relationid=p.relationid where p.state=0 order by p.id desc limit 0,20 [ RunTime:0.0011s ] [ 2023-12-14T13:01:10+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php?s=/Index/wxPay INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000021s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000050s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000141s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000159s ] NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [8] Constant SELLERUID already defined C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 22 行. SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_pay` [ RunTime:0.0010s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_pay` WHERE `trade_no` = '2023121349555399999' AND `state` = 0 AND `cash_money` = '5.00' AND `userid` = 260839 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0410s ] SQL: SELECT SUM(cash_money) AS tp_sum FROM `adsys_pay` WHERE `state` = 1 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0096s ] NOTIC: [8192] Invalid characters passed for attempted conversion, these have been ignored C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Lib\alipay\AopCertClient.php 第 133 行. NOTIC: [8] Undefined property: stdClass::$sub_msg C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\IndexModel.class.php 第 461 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_pay` SET `state`='1',`finish_time`='1702530069',`pay_trade_no`='20231214020070011500860077787845' WHERE `trade_no` = '2023121349555399999' AND `state` = 0 AND `userid` = 260839 [ RunTime:0.0421s ] SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_openid` [ RunTime:0.0010s ] NOTIC: [8] Trying to access array offset on value of type int C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\IndexModel.class.php 第 467 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_openid` SET `alipay_num`='c8245@qq.com',`ture_name`='陆恒' WHERE `userid` = 260839 AND `relationid` = null [ RunTime:0.0029s ] SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_serial` [ RunTime:0.0005s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_serial` SET `message`='提现至「支付宝账户」' WHERE `task_order_id` = '2023121349555399999' AND `user_id` = 260839 AND `payment_type` = 2 [ RunTime:1.0925s ] [ 2023-12-14T13:01:10+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php?s=/Index/cashpendinginfo INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000006s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000046s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000078s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000096s ] NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [8] Constant SELLERUID already defined C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 22 行. SQL: SELECT p.*,t.nickname,t.headimgurl,t.all_money,t.tui_money,t.task_money,t.tui_count,t.task_count,t.sign_money,t.reward_money FROM adsys_pay p left join adsys_openid t on t.userid=p.userid and t.relationid=p.relationid where p.state=0 [ RunTime:0.1361s ] SQL: SELECT p.*,t.nickname,t.headimgurl,t.all_money,t.tui_money,t.task_money,t.tui_count,t.task_count,t.sign_money,t.reward_money FROM adsys_pay p left join adsys_openid t on t.userid=p.userid and t.relationid=p.relationid where p.state=0 order by p.id desc limit 0,20 [ RunTime:0.0012s ] [ 2023-12-14T13:01:14+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php?s=/Index/wxPay INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000004s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000034s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000075s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000093s ] NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [8] Constant SELLERUID already defined C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 22 行. SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_pay` [ RunTime:0.0010s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_pay` WHERE `trade_no` = '2023121349521025380' AND `state` = 0 AND `cash_money` = '1.00' AND `userid` = 225919 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0464s ] SQL: SELECT SUM(cash_money) AS tp_sum FROM `adsys_pay` WHERE `state` = 1 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0096s ] NOTIC: [8192] Invalid characters passed for attempted conversion, these have been ignored C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Lib\alipay\AopCertClient.php 第 133 行. NOTIC: [8] Undefined property: stdClass::$sub_msg C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\IndexModel.class.php 第 461 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_pay` SET `state`='1',`finish_time`='1702530073',`pay_trade_no`='20231214020070011500070069644385' WHERE `trade_no` = '2023121349521025380' AND `state` = 0 AND `userid` = 225919 [ RunTime:0.0460s ] SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_openid` [ RunTime:0.0012s ] NOTIC: [8] Trying to access array offset on value of type int C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\IndexModel.class.php 第 467 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_openid` SET `alipay_num`='13229453538',`ture_name`='王桐花' WHERE `userid` = 225919 AND `relationid` = null [ RunTime:0.0050s ] SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_serial` [ RunTime:0.0006s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_serial` SET `message`='提现至「支付宝账户」' WHERE `task_order_id` = '2023121349521025380' AND `user_id` = 225919 AND `payment_type` = 2 [ RunTime:1.0867s ] [ 2023-12-14T13:01:15+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php?s=/Index/cashpendinginfo INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000005s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000032s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000067s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000081s ] NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [8] Constant SELLERUID already defined C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 22 行. SQL: SELECT p.*,t.nickname,t.headimgurl,t.all_money,t.tui_money,t.task_money,t.tui_count,t.task_count,t.sign_money,t.reward_money FROM adsys_pay p left join adsys_openid t on t.userid=p.userid and t.relationid=p.relationid where p.state=0 [ RunTime:0.1413s ] SQL: SELECT p.*,t.nickname,t.headimgurl,t.all_money,t.tui_money,t.task_money,t.tui_count,t.task_count,t.sign_money,t.reward_money FROM adsys_pay p left join adsys_openid t on t.userid=p.userid and t.relationid=p.relationid where p.state=0 order by p.id desc limit 0,20 [ RunTime:0.0014s ] [ 2023-12-14T13:01:22+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php?s=/Index/wxPay INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000004s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000032s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000075s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000090s ] NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [8] Constant SELLERUID already defined C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 22 行. SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_pay` [ RunTime:0.0011s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_pay` WHERE `trade_no` = '2023121310197525724' AND `state` = 0 AND `cash_money` = '1.00' AND `userid` = 225919 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0435s ] SQL: SELECT SUM(cash_money) AS tp_sum FROM `adsys_pay` WHERE `state` = 1 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0097s ] NOTIC: [8192] Invalid characters passed for attempted conversion, these have been ignored C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Lib\alipay\AopCertClient.php 第 133 行. NOTIC: [8] Undefined property: stdClass::$sub_msg C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\IndexModel.class.php 第 461 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_pay` SET `state`='1',`finish_time`='1702530081',`pay_trade_no`='20231214020070011500070069421451' WHERE `trade_no` = '2023121310197525724' AND `state` = 0 AND `userid` = 225919 [ RunTime:0.0484s ] SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_openid` [ RunTime:0.0011s ] NOTIC: [8] Trying to access array offset on value of type int C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\IndexModel.class.php 第 467 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_openid` SET `alipay_num`='13229453538',`ture_name`='王桐花' WHERE `userid` = 225919 AND `relationid` = null [ RunTime:0.0033s ] SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_serial` [ RunTime:0.0005s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_serial` SET `message`='提现至「支付宝账户」' WHERE `task_order_id` = '2023121310197525724' AND `user_id` = 225919 AND `payment_type` = 2 [ RunTime:1.0847s ] [ 2023-12-14T13:01:22+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php?s=/Index/cashpendinginfo INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000005s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000041s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000060s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000073s ] NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [8] Constant SELLERUID already defined C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 22 行. SQL: SELECT p.*,t.nickname,t.headimgurl,t.all_money,t.tui_money,t.task_money,t.tui_count,t.task_count,t.sign_money,t.reward_money FROM adsys_pay p left join adsys_openid t on t.userid=p.userid and t.relationid=p.relationid where p.state=0 [ RunTime:0.1390s ] SQL: SELECT p.*,t.nickname,t.headimgurl,t.all_money,t.tui_money,t.task_money,t.tui_count,t.task_count,t.sign_money,t.reward_money FROM adsys_pay p left join adsys_openid t on t.userid=p.userid and t.relationid=p.relationid where p.state=0 order by p.id desc limit 0,20 [ RunTime:0.0013s ] [ 2023-12-14T13:01:26+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php?s=/Index/wxPay INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000007s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000042s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000058s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000071s ] NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [8] Constant SELLERUID already defined C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 22 行. SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_pay` [ RunTime:0.0010s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_pay` WHERE `trade_no` = '2023121354565049955' AND `state` = 0 AND `cash_money` = '1.00' AND `userid` = 213561 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0453s ] SQL: SELECT SUM(cash_money) AS tp_sum FROM `adsys_pay` WHERE `state` = 1 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0096s ] NOTIC: [8192] Invalid characters passed for attempted conversion, these have been ignored C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Lib\alipay\AopCertClient.php 第 133 行. NOTIC: [8] Undefined property: stdClass::$sub_msg C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\IndexModel.class.php 第 461 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_pay` SET `state`='1',`finish_time`='1702530085',`pay_trade_no`='20231214020070011500070069705021' WHERE `trade_no` = '2023121354565049955' AND `state` = 0 AND `userid` = 213561 [ RunTime:0.0425s ] SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_openid` [ RunTime:0.0015s ] NOTIC: [8] Trying to access array offset on value of type int C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\IndexModel.class.php 第 467 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_openid` SET `alipay_num`='13229453538',`ture_name`='王桐花' WHERE `userid` = 213561 AND `relationid` = null [ RunTime:0.0035s ] SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_serial` [ RunTime:0.0005s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_serial` SET `message`='提现至「支付宝账户」' WHERE `task_order_id` = '2023121354565049955' AND `user_id` = 213561 AND `payment_type` = 2 [ RunTime:1.0945s ] [ 2023-12-14T13:01:27+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php?s=/Index/cashpendinginfo INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000004s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000032s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000061s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000076s ] NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [8] Constant SELLERUID already defined C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 22 行. SQL: SELECT p.*,t.nickname,t.headimgurl,t.all_money,t.tui_money,t.task_money,t.tui_count,t.task_count,t.sign_money,t.reward_money FROM adsys_pay p left join adsys_openid t on t.userid=p.userid and t.relationid=p.relationid where p.state=0 [ RunTime:0.1345s ] SQL: SELECT p.*,t.nickname,t.headimgurl,t.all_money,t.tui_money,t.task_money,t.tui_count,t.task_count,t.sign_money,t.reward_money FROM adsys_pay p left join adsys_openid t on t.userid=p.userid and t.relationid=p.relationid where p.state=0 order by p.id desc limit 0,20 [ RunTime:0.0012s ] [ 2023-12-14T13:01:31+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php?s=/Index/wxPay INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000004s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000030s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000068s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000084s ] NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [8] Constant SELLERUID already defined C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 22 行. SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_pay` [ RunTime:0.0010s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_pay` WHERE `trade_no` = '2023121351575052113' AND `state` = 0 AND `cash_money` = '1.00' AND `userid` = 213561 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0424s ] SQL: SELECT SUM(cash_money) AS tp_sum FROM `adsys_pay` WHERE `state` = 1 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0365s ] NOTIC: [8192] Invalid characters passed for attempted conversion, these have been ignored C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Lib\alipay\AopCertClient.php 第 133 行. NOTIC: [8] Undefined property: stdClass::$sub_msg C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\IndexModel.class.php 第 461 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_pay` SET `state`='1',`finish_time`='1702530089',`pay_trade_no`='20231214020070011500070069686039' WHERE `trade_no` = '2023121351575052113' AND `state` = 0 AND `userid` = 213561 [ RunTime:0.0229s ] SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_openid` [ RunTime:0.0012s ] NOTIC: [8] Trying to access array offset on value of type int C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\IndexModel.class.php 第 467 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_openid` SET `alipay_num`='13229453538',`ture_name`='王桐花' WHERE `userid` = 213561 AND `relationid` = null [ RunTime:0.0039s ] SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_serial` [ RunTime:0.0005s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_serial` SET `message`='提现至「支付宝账户」' WHERE `task_order_id` = '2023121351575052113' AND `user_id` = 213561 AND `payment_type` = 2 [ RunTime:1.0846s ] [ 2023-12-14T13:01:31+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php?s=/Index/cashpendinginfo INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000004s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000031s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000079s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000096s ] NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [8] Constant SELLERUID already defined C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 22 行. SQL: SELECT p.*,t.nickname,t.headimgurl,t.all_money,t.tui_money,t.task_money,t.tui_count,t.task_count,t.sign_money,t.reward_money FROM adsys_pay p left join adsys_openid t on t.userid=p.userid and t.relationid=p.relationid where p.state=0 [ RunTime:0.1330s ] SQL: SELECT p.*,t.nickname,t.headimgurl,t.all_money,t.tui_money,t.task_money,t.tui_count,t.task_count,t.sign_money,t.reward_money FROM adsys_pay p left join adsys_openid t on t.userid=p.userid and t.relationid=p.relationid where p.state=0 order by p.id desc limit 0,20 [ RunTime:0.0015s ] [ 2023-12-14T13:01:42+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php?s=/Index/wxPay INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000004s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000030s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000068s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000080s ] NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [8] Constant SELLERUID already defined C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 22 行. SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_pay` [ RunTime:0.0010s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_pay` WHERE `trade_no` = '2023121348575148743' AND `state` = 0 AND `cash_money` = '1.00' AND `userid` = 213561 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0523s ] SQL: SELECT SUM(cash_money) AS tp_sum FROM `adsys_pay` WHERE `state` = 1 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0098s ] NOTIC: [8192] Invalid characters passed for attempted conversion, these have been ignored C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Lib\alipay\AopCertClient.php 第 133 行. NOTIC: [8] Undefined property: stdClass::$sub_msg C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\IndexModel.class.php 第 461 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_pay` SET `state`='1',`finish_time`='1702530101',`pay_trade_no`='20231214020070011500070069467715' WHERE `trade_no` = '2023121348575148743' AND `state` = 0 AND `userid` = 213561 [ RunTime:0.0434s ] SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_openid` [ RunTime:0.0010s ] NOTIC: [8] Trying to access array offset on value of type int C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\IndexModel.class.php 第 467 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_openid` SET `alipay_num`='13229453538',`ture_name`='王桐花' WHERE `userid` = 213561 AND `relationid` = null [ RunTime:0.0043s ] SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_serial` [ RunTime:0.0005s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_serial` SET `message`='提现至「支付宝账户」' WHERE `task_order_id` = '2023121348575148743' AND `user_id` = 213561 AND `payment_type` = 2 [ RunTime:1.0859s ] [ 2023-12-14T13:01:42+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php?s=/Index/cashpendinginfo INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000005s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000033s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000062s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000077s ] NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [8] Constant SELLERUID already defined C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 22 行. SQL: SELECT p.*,t.nickname,t.headimgurl,t.all_money,t.tui_money,t.task_money,t.tui_count,t.task_count,t.sign_money,t.reward_money FROM adsys_pay p left join adsys_openid t on t.userid=p.userid and t.relationid=p.relationid where p.state=0 [ RunTime:0.1426s ] SQL: SELECT p.*,t.nickname,t.headimgurl,t.all_money,t.tui_money,t.task_money,t.tui_count,t.task_count,t.sign_money,t.reward_money FROM adsys_pay p left join adsys_openid t on t.userid=p.userid and t.relationid=p.relationid where p.state=0 order by p.id desc limit 0,20 [ RunTime:0.0013s ] [ 2023-12-14T13:01:43+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php?s=/Index/orderpending INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000004s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000033s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000062s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000079s ] NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [8] Constant SELLERUID already defined C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 22 行. INFO: [ view_parse ] --START-- INFO: [ template_filter ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000065s ] INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000087s ] INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.048084s ] INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.048113s ] INFO: [ view_filter ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000313s ] INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000329s ] INFO: [ app_end ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000162s ] INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000178s ] [ 2023-12-14T13:01:44+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php?s=/Index/orderpendinginfo INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000005s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000036s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000075s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000090s ] NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [8] Constant SELLERUID already defined C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 22 行. SQL: SELECT p.*,t.task_orderno,count(t.id) as submitcount FROM adsys_task p left join adsys_task_order t on t.task_id=p.id where t.taskstate=3 and FROM_UNIXTIME(t.submit_time)