[ 2023-12-09T20:07:06+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php?s=/Index/indextop INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000003s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000030s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000186s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000204s ] NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. [ 2023-12-09T20:07:06+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php?s=/Index/orderpending INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000005s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000046s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000386s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000408s ] NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. [ 2023-12-09T20:07:06+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php?s=/Task/gameinfo INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000005s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000033s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000403s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000422s ] NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. [ 2023-12-09T20:07:07+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php?s=/Public/login/spik/null INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000004s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000031s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000087s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000106s ] INFO: [ view_parse ] --START-- INFO: [ template_filter ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000063s ] INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000089s ] NOTIC: [8] Undefined variable: group C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Runtime\Cache\Seller\f8933977a3ee7ea47161438390c291c8.php 第 154 行. NOTIC: [8] Trying to access array offset on value of type null C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Runtime\Cache\Seller\f8933977a3ee7ea47161438390c291c8.php 第 154 行. INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.092933s ] INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.092953s ] INFO: [ view_filter ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000165s ] INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000185s ] INFO: [ app_end ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000122s ] INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000136s ] [ 2023-12-09T20:07:07+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000005s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000032s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000141s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000158s ] NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. [ 2023-12-09T20:07:07+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php?s=/Public/login/spik/null INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000005s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000033s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000064s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000079s ] INFO: [ view_parse ] --START-- INFO: [ template_filter ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000058s ] INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000075s ] NOTIC: [8] Undefined variable: group C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Runtime\Cache\Seller\f8933977a3ee7ea47161438390c291c8.php 第 154 行. NOTIC: [8] Trying to access array offset on value of type null C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Runtime\Cache\Seller\f8933977a3ee7ea47161438390c291c8.php 第 154 行. INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.003283s ] INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.003299s ] INFO: [ view_filter ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000137s ] INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000148s ] INFO: [ app_end ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000112s ] INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000124s ] [ 2023-12-09T20:07:08+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php?s=/Public/login INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000006s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000044s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000066s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000083s ] SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_seller` [ RunTime:0.0014s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_seller` WHERE `s_uname` = 'xinyu@sanxiao' LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0010s ] SQL: select account,passw from u_admin_login [ RunTime:0.0009s ] SQL: UPDATE `adsys_seller` SET `s_last_login_time`='1702123628',`s_login_count`=s_login_count+1,`s_last_login_ip`='' WHERE `s_id` = 6 [ RunTime:0.0016s ] SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_user_action` [ RunTime:0.0005s ] SQL: INSERT INTO `adsys_user_action` (`type`,`user_id`,`uname`,`add_time`,`info`) VALUES ('运营商用户','6','xinyu@sanxiao','2023-12-09 20:07:08','登录了卖家后台') [ RunTime:0.0026s ] [ 2023-12-09T20:07:09+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000004s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000032s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000073s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000090s ] NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [8] Constant SELLERUID already defined C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 22 行. SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_seller` [ RunTime:0.0006s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_seller` WHERE `s_id` = 6 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0003s ] NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: isseller C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\IndexController.class.php 第 17 行. SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_seller_menu` [ RunTime:0.0004s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_seller_menu` ORDER BY sort_order [ RunTime:0.0011s ] NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: lionadminad C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\IndexController.class.php 第 27 行. INFO: [ view_parse ] --START-- INFO: [ template_filter ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000067s ] INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000083s ] INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.077401s ] INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.077434s ] INFO: [ view_filter ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000132s ] INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000150s ] INFO: [ app_end ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000136s ] INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000167s ] [ 2023-12-09T20:07:09+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php?s=/Index/welcome INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000004s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000030s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000063s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000078s ] NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_customer` [ RunTime:0.0007s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_customer` WHERE `s_status` = 1 [ RunTime:0.0011s ] SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_pay` [ RunTime:0.0004s ] SQL: SELECT SUM(cash_money) AS tp_sum FROM `adsys_pay` WHERE `state` = 1 AND `relationid` = 1 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0648s ] SQL: SELECT SUM(cash_money) AS tp_sum FROM `adsys_pay` WHERE `state` = 1 AND `relationid` = 2 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0109s ] SQL: SELECT SUM(cash_money) AS tp_sum FROM `adsys_pay` WHERE `state` = 1 AND `relationid` = 3 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0150s ] SQL: SELECT SUM(cash_money) AS tp_sum FROM `adsys_pay` WHERE `state` = 1 AND `relationid` = 4 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0092s ] SQL: SELECT SUM(cash_money) AS tp_sum FROM `adsys_pay` WHERE `state` = 1 AND `relationid` = 5 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0135s ] SQL: SELECT SUM(cash_money) AS tp_sum FROM `adsys_pay` WHERE `state` = 1 AND `relationid` = 6 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0101s ] SQL: SELECT SUM(cash_money) AS tp_sum FROM `adsys_pay` WHERE `state` = 1 AND `relationid` = 7 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0090s ] SQL: SELECT SUM(cash_money) AS tp_sum FROM `adsys_pay` WHERE `state` = 1 AND `relationid` = 8 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0098s ] SQL: SELECT SUM(cash_money) AS tp_sum FROM `adsys_pay` WHERE `state` = 1 AND `relationid` = 9 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0078s ] INFO: [ view_parse ] --START-- INFO: [ template_filter ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000053s ] INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000069s ] NOTIC: [2] Use of undefined constant H - assumed 'H' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Runtime\Cache\Seller\96870f9043cc48a1916ba8579f57eb9c.php 第 28 行. NOTIC: [2] Use of undefined constant H - assumed 'H' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Runtime\Cache\Seller\96870f9043cc48a1916ba8579f57eb9c.php 第 28 行. NOTIC: [2] Use of undefined constant H - assumed 'H' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Runtime\Cache\Seller\96870f9043cc48a1916ba8579f57eb9c.php 第 28 行. INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.037274s ] INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.037297s ] INFO: [ view_filter ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000097s ] INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000108s ] INFO: [ app_end ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000077s ] INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000091s ] [ 2023-12-09T20:07:09+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php?s=/Index/indextop INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000004s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000031s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000158s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000174s ] NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [8] Constant SELLERUID already defined C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 22 行. [ 2023-12-09T20:07:11+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php?s=/Index/cashpending INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000005s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000039s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000064s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000078s ] NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [8] Constant SELLERUID already defined C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 22 行. INFO: [ view_parse ] --START-- INFO: [ template_filter ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000064s ] INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000080s ] INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.042783s ] INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.042810s ] INFO: [ view_filter ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000093s ] INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000104s ] INFO: [ app_end ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000092s ] INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000109s ] [ 2023-12-09T20:07:11+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php?s=/Index/cashpendinginfo INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000005s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000030s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000064s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000077s ] NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [8] Constant SELLERUID already defined C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 22 行. SQL: SELECT p.*,t.nickname,t.headimgurl,t.all_money,t.tui_money,t.task_money,t.tui_count,t.task_count,t.sign_money,t.reward_money FROM adsys_pay p left join adsys_openid t on t.userid=p.userid and t.relationid=p.relationid where p.state=0 [ RunTime:0.0928s ] SQL: SELECT p.*,t.nickname,t.headimgurl,t.all_money,t.tui_money,t.task_money,t.tui_count,t.task_count,t.sign_money,t.reward_money FROM adsys_pay p left join adsys_openid t on t.userid=p.userid and t.relationid=p.relationid where p.state=0 order by p.id desc limit 0,20 [ RunTime:0.0012s ] [ 2023-12-09T20:07:13+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000004s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000034s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000063s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000078s ] NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. [ 2023-12-09T20:07:13+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php?s=/Public/login/spik/null INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000004s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000032s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000069s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000084s ] INFO: [ view_parse ] --START-- INFO: [ template_filter ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000056s ] INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000073s ] NOTIC: [8] Undefined variable: group C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Runtime\Cache\Seller\f8933977a3ee7ea47161438390c291c8.php 第 154 行. NOTIC: [8] Trying to access array offset on value of type null C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Runtime\Cache\Seller\f8933977a3ee7ea47161438390c291c8.php 第 154 行. INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.003691s ] INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.003706s ] INFO: [ view_filter ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000137s ] INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000148s ] INFO: [ app_end ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000133s ] INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000146s ] [ 2023-12-09T20:07:16+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php?s=/Index/wxPay INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000005s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000033s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000064s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000078s ] NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [8] Constant SELLERUID already defined C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 22 行. SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_pay` [ RunTime:0.0012s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_pay` WHERE `trade_no` = '2023120953485051970' AND `state` = 0 AND `cash_money` = '1.00' AND `userid` = 251140 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0167s ] SQL: SELECT SUM(cash_money) AS tp_sum FROM `adsys_pay` WHERE `state` = 1 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0096s ] NOTIC: [8192] Invalid characters passed for attempted conversion, these have been ignored C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Lib\alipay\AopCertClient.php 第 133 行. NOTIC: [8] Undefined property: stdClass::$sub_msg C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\IndexModel.class.php 第 461 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_pay` SET `state`='1',`finish_time`='1702123635',`pay_trade_no`='20231209020070011500290074266466' WHERE `trade_no` = '2023120953485051970' AND `state` = 0 AND `userid` = 251140 [ RunTime:0.0612s ] SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_openid` [ RunTime:0.0007s ] NOTIC: [8] Trying to access array offset on value of type int C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\IndexModel.class.php 第 467 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_openid` SET `alipay_num`='17789813472',`ture_name`='彭超' WHERE `userid` = 251140 AND `relationid` = null [ RunTime:0.0017s ] SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_serial` [ RunTime:0.0005s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_serial` SET `message`='提现至「支付宝账户」' WHERE `task_order_id` = '2023120953485051970' AND `user_id` = 251140 AND `payment_type` = 2 [ RunTime:1.0808s ] [ 2023-12-09T20:07:17+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php?s=/Index/cashpendinginfo INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000006s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000041s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000063s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000077s ] NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [8] Constant SELLERUID already defined C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 22 行. SQL: SELECT p.*,t.nickname,t.headimgurl,t.all_money,t.tui_money,t.task_money,t.tui_count,t.task_count,t.sign_money,t.reward_money FROM adsys_pay p left join adsys_openid t on t.userid=p.userid and t.relationid=p.relationid where p.state=0 [ RunTime:0.1461s ] SQL: SELECT p.*,t.nickname,t.headimgurl,t.all_money,t.tui_money,t.task_money,t.tui_count,t.task_count,t.sign_money,t.reward_money FROM adsys_pay p left join adsys_openid t on t.userid=p.userid and t.relationid=p.relationid where p.state=0 order by p.id desc limit 0,20 [ RunTime:0.0014s ] [ 2023-12-09T20:07:21+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php?s=/Index/wxPay INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000005s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000032s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000140s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000155s ] NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [8] Constant SELLERUID already defined C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 22 行. SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_pay` [ RunTime:0.0011s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_pay` WHERE `trade_no` = '2023120957485150243' AND `state` = 0 AND `cash_money` = '1.00' AND `userid` = 260313 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0512s ] SQL: SELECT SUM(cash_money) AS tp_sum FROM `adsys_pay` WHERE `state` = 1 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0125s ] NOTIC: [8192] Invalid characters passed for attempted conversion, these have been ignored C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Lib\alipay\AopCertClient.php 第 133 行. NOTIC: [8] Undefined property: stdClass::$sub_msg C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\IndexModel.class.php 第 461 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_pay` SET `state`='1',`finish_time`='1702123639',`pay_trade_no`='20231209020070011500290073979424' WHERE `trade_no` = '2023120957485150243' AND `state` = 0 AND `userid` = 260313 [ RunTime:0.0443s ] SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_openid` [ RunTime:0.0011s ] NOTIC: [8] Trying to access array offset on value of type int C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\IndexModel.class.php 第 467 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_openid` SET `alipay_num`='17789813472',`ture_name`='彭超' WHERE `userid` = 260313 AND `relationid` = null [ RunTime:0.0041s ] SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_serial` [ RunTime:0.0007s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_serial` SET `message`='提现至「支付宝账户」' WHERE `task_order_id` = '2023120957485150243' AND `user_id` = 260313 AND `payment_type` = 2 [ RunTime:1.0723s ] [ 2023-12-09T20:07:21+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php?s=/Index/cashpendinginfo INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000004s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000030s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000063s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000076s ] NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [8] Constant SELLERUID already defined C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 22 行. SQL: SELECT p.*,t.nickname,t.headimgurl,t.all_money,t.tui_money,t.task_money,t.tui_count,t.task_count,t.sign_money,t.reward_money FROM adsys_pay p left join adsys_openid t on t.userid=p.userid and t.relationid=p.relationid where p.state=0 [ RunTime:0.1387s ] SQL: SELECT p.*,t.nickname,t.headimgurl,t.all_money,t.tui_money,t.task_money,t.tui_count,t.task_count,t.sign_money,t.reward_money FROM adsys_pay p left join adsys_openid t on t.userid=p.userid and t.relationid=p.relationid where p.state=0 order by p.id desc limit 0,20 [ RunTime:0.0013s ] [ 2023-12-09T20:07:26+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php?s=/Index/wxPay INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000006s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000034s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000062s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000076s ] NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [8] Constant SELLERUID already defined C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 22 行. SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_pay` [ RunTime:0.0012s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_pay` WHERE `trade_no` = '2023120954555756652' AND `state` = 0 AND `cash_money` = '1.00' AND `userid` = 251140 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0448s ] SQL: SELECT SUM(cash_money) AS tp_sum FROM `adsys_pay` WHERE `state` = 1 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0104s ] NOTIC: [8192] Invalid characters passed for attempted conversion, these have been ignored C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Lib\alipay\AopCertClient.php 第 133 行. NOTIC: [8] Undefined property: stdClass::$sub_msg C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\IndexModel.class.php 第 461 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_pay` SET `state`='1',`finish_time`='1702123645',`pay_trade_no`='20231209020070011500290073927528' WHERE `trade_no` = '2023120954555756652' AND `state` = 0 AND `userid` = 251140 [ RunTime:0.0466s ] SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_openid` [ RunTime:0.0012s ] NOTIC: [8] Trying to access array offset on value of type int C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\IndexModel.class.php 第 467 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_openid` SET `alipay_num`='17789813472',`ture_name`='彭超' WHERE `userid` = 251140 AND `relationid` = null [ RunTime:0.0034s ] SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_serial` [ RunTime:0.0005s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_serial` SET `message`='提现至「支付宝账户」' WHERE `task_order_id` = '2023120954555756652' AND `user_id` = 251140 AND `payment_type` = 2 [ RunTime:1.0732s ] [ 2023-12-09T20:07:26+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php?s=/Index/cashpendinginfo INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000004s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000036s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000061s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000074s ] NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [8] Constant SELLERUID already defined C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 22 行. SQL: SELECT p.*,t.nickname,t.headimgurl,t.all_money,t.tui_money,t.task_money,t.tui_count,t.task_count,t.sign_money,t.reward_money FROM adsys_pay p left join adsys_openid t on t.userid=p.userid and t.relationid=p.relationid where p.state=0 [ RunTime:0.1397s ] SQL: SELECT p.*,t.nickname,t.headimgurl,t.all_money,t.tui_money,t.task_money,t.tui_count,t.task_count,t.sign_money,t.reward_money FROM adsys_pay p left join adsys_openid t on t.userid=p.userid and t.relationid=p.relationid where p.state=0 order by p.id desc limit 0,20 [ RunTime:0.0013s ] [ 2023-12-09T20:07:30+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php?s=/Index/wxPay INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000005s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000049s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000066s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000084s ] NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [8] Constant SELLERUID already defined C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 22 行. SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_pay` [ RunTime:0.0011s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_pay` WHERE `trade_no` = '2023120856559798738' AND `state` = 0 AND `cash_money` = '1.00' AND `userid` = 260767 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0526s ] SQL: SELECT SUM(cash_money) AS tp_sum FROM `adsys_pay` WHERE `state` = 1 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0097s ] NOTIC: [8192] Invalid characters passed for attempted conversion, these have been ignored C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Lib\alipay\AopCertClient.php 第 133 行. NOTIC: [8] Undefined property: stdClass::$sub_msg C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\IndexModel.class.php 第 461 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_pay` SET `state`='1',`finish_time`='1702123649',`pay_trade_no`='20231209020070011500860040588956' WHERE `trade_no` = '2023120856559798738' AND `state` = 0 AND `userid` = 260767 [ RunTime:0.0533s ] SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_openid` [ RunTime:0.0010s ] NOTIC: [8] Trying to access array offset on value of type int C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\IndexModel.class.php 第 467 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_openid` SET `alipay_num`='c8245@qq.com',`ture_name`='陆恒' WHERE `userid` = 260767 AND `relationid` = null [ RunTime:0.0046s ] SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_serial` [ RunTime:0.0005s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_serial` SET `message`='提现至「支付宝账户」' WHERE `task_order_id` = '2023120856559798738' AND `user_id` = 260767 AND `payment_type` = 2 [ RunTime:1.0786s ] [ 2023-12-09T20:07:30+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php?s=/Index/cashpendinginfo INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000006s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000047s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000102s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000124s ] NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [8] Constant SELLERUID already defined C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 22 行. SQL: SELECT p.*,t.nickname,t.headimgurl,t.all_money,t.tui_money,t.task_money,t.tui_count,t.task_count,t.sign_money,t.reward_money FROM adsys_pay p left join adsys_openid t on t.userid=p.userid and t.relationid=p.relationid where p.state=0 [ RunTime:0.1400s ] SQL: SELECT p.*,t.nickname,t.headimgurl,t.all_money,t.tui_money,t.task_money,t.tui_count,t.task_count,t.sign_money,t.reward_money FROM adsys_pay p left join adsys_openid t on t.userid=p.userid and t.relationid=p.relationid where p.state=0 order by p.id desc limit 0,20 [ RunTime:0.0014s ] [ 2023-12-09T20:07:34+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php?s=/Index/wxPay INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000004s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000034s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000065s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000080s ] NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [8] Constant SELLERUID already defined C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 22 行. SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_pay` [ RunTime:0.0011s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_pay` WHERE `trade_no` = '2023120853499810290' AND `state` = 0 AND `cash_money` = '1.00' AND `userid` = 260766 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0496s ] SQL: SELECT SUM(cash_money) AS tp_sum FROM `adsys_pay` WHERE `state` = 1 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0104s ] NOTIC: [8192] Invalid characters passed for attempted conversion, these have been ignored C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Lib\alipay\AopCertClient.php 第 133 行. NOTIC: [8] Undefined property: stdClass::$sub_msg C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\IndexModel.class.php 第 461 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_pay` SET `state`='1',`finish_time`='1702123653',`pay_trade_no`='20231209020070011500860040712165' WHERE `trade_no` = '2023120853499810290' AND `state` = 0 AND `userid` = 260766 [ RunTime:0.0490s ] SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_openid` [ RunTime:0.0011s ] NOTIC: [8] Trying to access array offset on value of type int C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\IndexModel.class.php 第 467 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_openid` SET `alipay_num`='c8245@qq.com',`ture_name`='陆恒' WHERE `userid` = 260766 AND `relationid` = null [ RunTime:0.0041s ] SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_serial` [ RunTime:0.0005s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_serial` SET `message`='提现至「支付宝账户」' WHERE `task_order_id` = '2023120853499810290' AND `user_id` = 260766 AND `payment_type` = 2 [ RunTime:1.0822s ] [ 2023-12-09T20:07:34+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php?s=/Index/cashpendinginfo INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000004s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000039s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000061s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000074s ] NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [8] Constant SELLERUID already defined C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 22 行. SQL: SELECT p.*,t.nickname,t.headimgurl,t.all_money,t.tui_money,t.task_money,t.tui_count,t.task_count,t.sign_money,t.reward_money FROM adsys_pay p left join adsys_openid t on t.userid=p.userid and t.relationid=p.relationid where p.state=0 [ RunTime:0.1366s ] SQL: SELECT p.*,t.nickname,t.headimgurl,t.all_money,t.tui_money,t.task_money,t.tui_count,t.task_count,t.sign_money,t.reward_money FROM adsys_pay p left join adsys_openid t on t.userid=p.userid and t.relationid=p.relationid where p.state=0 order by p.id desc limit 0,20 [ RunTime:0.0015s ] [ 2023-12-09T20:07:38+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php?s=/Index/wxPay INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000005s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000031s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000060s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000074s ] NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [8] Constant SELLERUID already defined C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 22 行. SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_pay` [ RunTime:0.0172s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_pay` WHERE `trade_no` = '2023120848981001621' AND `state` = 0 AND `cash_money` = '5.00' AND `userid` = 260766 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0201s ] SQL: SELECT SUM(cash_money) AS tp_sum FROM `adsys_pay` WHERE `state` = 1 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0109s ] NOTIC: [8192] Invalid characters passed for attempted conversion, these have been ignored C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Lib\alipay\AopCertClient.php 第 133 行. NOTIC: [8] Undefined property: stdClass::$sub_msg C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\IndexModel.class.php 第 461 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_pay` SET `state`='1',`finish_time`='1702123657',`pay_trade_no`='20231209020070011500860040762311' WHERE `trade_no` = '2023120848981001621' AND `state` = 0 AND `userid` = 260766 [ RunTime:0.0524s ] SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_openid` [ RunTime:0.0011s ] NOTIC: [8] Trying to access array offset on value of type int C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\IndexModel.class.php 第 467 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_openid` SET `alipay_num`='c8245@qq.com',`ture_name`='陆恒' WHERE `userid` = 260766 AND `relationid` = null [ RunTime:0.0031s ] SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_serial` [ RunTime:0.0006s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_serial` SET `message`='提现至「支付宝账户」' WHERE `task_order_id` = '2023120848981001621' AND `user_id` = 260766 AND `payment_type` = 2 [ RunTime:1.0697s ] [ 2023-12-09T20:07:38+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php?s=/Index/cashpendinginfo INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000005s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000034s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000061s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000075s ] NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [8] Constant SELLERUID already defined C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 22 行. SQL: SELECT p.*,t.nickname,t.headimgurl,t.all_money,t.tui_money,t.task_money,t.tui_count,t.task_count,t.sign_money,t.reward_money FROM adsys_pay p left join adsys_openid t on t.userid=p.userid and t.relationid=p.relationid where p.state=0 [ RunTime:0.1455s ] SQL: SELECT p.*,t.nickname,t.headimgurl,t.all_money,t.tui_money,t.task_money,t.tui_count,t.task_count,t.sign_money,t.reward_money FROM adsys_pay p left join adsys_openid t on t.userid=p.userid and t.relationid=p.relationid where p.state=0 order by p.id desc limit 0,20 [ RunTime:0.0014s ] [ 2023-12-09T20:07:40+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php?s=/Index/orderpending INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000005s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000096s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000119s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000142s ] NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [8] Constant SELLERUID already defined C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 22 行. INFO: [ view_parse ] --START-- INFO: [ template_filter ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000078s ] INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000103s ] INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.045051s ] INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.045082s ] INFO: [ view_filter ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000116s ] INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000129s ] INFO: [ app_end ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000148s ] INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000170s ] [ 2023-12-09T20:07:42+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php?s=/Index/orderpendinginfo INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000005s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000046s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000095s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000117s ] NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [8] Constant SELLERUID already defined C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 22 行. SQL: SELECT p.*,t.task_orderno,count(t.id) as submitcount FROM adsys_task p left join adsys_task_order t on t.task_id=p.id where t.taskstate=3 and FROM_UNIXTIME(t.submit_time)now() [ RunTime:0.0844s ] SQL: SELECT p.* FROM adsys_task_game p where FROM_UNIXTIME(p.stoptime)>now() order by (case p.state when 1 then 0 else 1 end),p.sorttop desc,p.starttime desc limit 0,20 [ RunTime:0.0061s ] NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: all_commission C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\TaskModel.class.php 第 326 行. NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: all_commission C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\TaskModel.class.php 第 326 行. NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: all_commission C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\TaskModel.class.php 第 326 行. NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: all_commission C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\TaskModel.class.php 第 326 行. NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: all_commission C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\TaskModel.class.php 第 326 行. NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: all_commission C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\TaskModel.class.php 第 326 行. NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: all_commission C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\TaskModel.class.php 第 326 行. NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: all_commission C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\TaskModel.class.php 第 326 行. NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: all_commission C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\TaskModel.class.php 第 326 行. NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: all_commission C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\TaskModel.class.php 第 326 行. NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: all_commission C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\TaskModel.class.php 第 326 行. NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: all_commission C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\TaskModel.class.php 第 326 行. NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: all_commission C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\TaskModel.class.php 第 326 行. NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: all_commission C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\TaskModel.class.php 第 326 行. NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: all_commission C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\TaskModel.class.php 第 326 行. NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: all_commission C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\TaskModel.class.php 第 326 行. NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: all_commission C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\TaskModel.class.php 第 326 行. NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: all_commission C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\TaskModel.class.php 第 326 行. NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: all_commission C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\TaskModel.class.php 第 326 行. NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: all_commission C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\TaskModel.class.php 第 326 行. [ 2023-12-09T20:07:52+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php?s=/Task/send INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000005s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000031s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000061s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000075s ] NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [8] Constant SELLERUID already defined C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 22 行. SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_task_game` [ RunTime:0.0006s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='0' WHERE `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0389s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34889' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0072s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34889' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0102s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34952' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0069s ] SQL: INSERT INTO `adsys_task_game` (`adid`,`starttime`,`stoptime`,`showmoney`,`longmoney`,`avgmoney`,`pagename`,`imgurl`,`adname`,`task_type`,`message`,`platform_id`,`gamedetail`,`state`) VALUES ('34952','1702120340','1704708000','4844.5','4844','10','com.s9130.htt','https://cimgs.17xianwan.com/corp-document/202112/07135200040.png','天剑奇缘(专服)','3','已有3万+人参与试玩','6','0','1') [ RunTime:0.0019s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34825' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0067s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34825' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0104s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34380' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0065s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34380' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0098s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34751' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0067s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34751' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0097s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34972' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0069s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34972' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0105s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34906' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0069s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34906' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0098s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34582' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0067s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34582' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0100s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34900' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0066s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34900' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0113s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34955' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0069s ] SQL: INSERT INTO `adsys_task_game` (`adid`,`starttime`,`stoptime`,`showmoney`,`longmoney`,`avgmoney`,`pagename`,`imgurl`,`adname`,`task_type`,`message`,`platform_id`,`gamedetail`,`state`) VALUES ('34955','1702120359','1704708000','2636.5','2636','8','com.kewanyan.ydcs','https://cimgs.17xianwan.com/corp-document/202310/16144600011.png','一刀传世(三倍返利)','3','已有1万+人参与试玩','6','0','1') [ RunTime:0.0023s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34850' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0069s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34850' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0098s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34698' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0066s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34698' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0096s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34779' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0066s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34779' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0096s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34628' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0068s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34628' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0103s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34599' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0070s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34599' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0108s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34931' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0068s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34931' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0093s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34430' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0065s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34430' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0105s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34968' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0070s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34968' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0095s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34840' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0069s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34840' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0095s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34704' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0067s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34704' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0096s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34896' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0070s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34896' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0105s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34632' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0068s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34632' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0101s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34945' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0093s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34945' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0096s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34583' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0067s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34583' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0093s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34950' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0069s ] SQL: INSERT INTO `adsys_task_game` (`adid`,`starttime`,`stoptime`,`showmoney`,`longmoney`,`avgmoney`,`pagename`,`imgurl`,`adname`,`task_type`,`message`,`platform_id`,`gamedetail`,`state`) VALUES ('34950','1702119773','1704708000','7612.5','7612','10','com.jzbhl.kwy','https://cimgs.17xianwan.com/corp-document/202108/12175000025.jpg','九州八荒录(专服)','3','已有50万+人参与试玩','6','0','1') [ RunTime:0.0019s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34954' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0068s ] SQL: INSERT INTO `adsys_task_game` (`adid`,`starttime`,`stoptime`,`showmoney`,`longmoney`,`avgmoney`,`pagename`,`imgurl`,`adname`,`task_type`,`message`,`platform_id`,`gamedetail`,`state`) VALUES ('34954','1702119749','1704708000','3807','3807','8','com.yw.xxsyyw2','https://cimgs.17xianwan.com/corp-document/202305/08122000038.png','仙侠神域','3','已有0.001万+人参与试玩','6','0','1') [ RunTime:0.0016s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34932' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0068s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34932' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0096s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34605' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0065s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34605' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0100s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34992' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0071s ] SQL: INSERT INTO `adsys_task_game` (`adid`,`starttime`,`stoptime`,`showmoney`,`longmoney`,`avgmoney`,`pagename`,`imgurl`,`adname`,`task_type`,`message`,`platform_id`,`gamedetail`,`state`) VALUES ('34992','1702088789','1704621600','5834','5834','10','com.kuaikuaiwan.ygzcdjgbb','https://cimgs.17xianwan.com/corp-document/202309/07092900019.jpg','月光之城(打金高爆版).快快玩','3','已有1万+人参与试玩','6','0','1') [ RunTime:0.0016s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34912' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0069s ] SQL: INSERT INTO `adsys_task_game` (`adid`,`starttime`,`stoptime`,`showmoney`,`longmoney`,`avgmoney`,`pagename`,`imgurl`,`adname`,`task_type`,`message`,`platform_id`,`gamedetail`,`state`) VALUES ('34912','1702088436','1704621600','3948','3948','8','com.gzlt.K1wlctyl','https://cimgs.17xianwan.com/corp-document/202311/22154300052.jpg','卧龙:苍天陨落.乐拓','3','已有1万+人参与试玩','6','0','1') [ RunTime:0.0029s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34951' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0067s ] SQL: INSERT INTO `adsys_task_game` (`adid`,`starttime`,`stoptime`,`showmoney`,`longmoney`,`avgmoney`,`pagename`,`imgurl`,`adname`,`task_type`,`message`,`platform_id`,`gamedetail`,`state`) VALUES ('34951','1702088571','1704708000','4711.25','4711','10','com.ryjq.kwy','https://cimgs.17xianwan.com/corp-document/202201/13100600036.png','可玩焉·荣耀崛起','3','已有1万+人参与试玩','6','0','1') [ RunTime:0.0015s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34956' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0067s ] SQL: INSERT INTO `adsys_task_game` (`adid`,`starttime`,`stoptime`,`showmoney`,`longmoney`,`avgmoney`,`pagename`,`imgurl`,`adname`,`task_type`,`message`,`platform_id`,`gamedetail`,`state`) VALUES ('34956','1702089282','1704708000','5532','5532','10','jjyz.game.cqsy13','https://cimgs.17xianwan.com/corp-document/202304/14161300000.png','可玩焉·月光之城','3','已有1万+人参与试玩','6','0','1') [ RunTime:0.0015s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34975' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0067s ] SQL: INSERT INTO `adsys_task_game` (`adid`,`starttime`,`stoptime`,`showmoney`,`longmoney`,`avgmoney`,`pagename`,`imgurl`,`adname`,`task_type`,`message`,`platform_id`,`gamedetail`,`state`) VALUES ('34975','1702087957','1704621600','3591','3591','10','com.xyouxi.zyzrfgb','https://cimgs.17xianwan.com/corp-document/202307/03142400026.png','自由之刃(复古版)·X游戏','3','已有1万+人参与试玩','6','0','1') [ RunTime:0.0015s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34987' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0067s ] SQL: INSERT INTO `adsys_task_game` (`adid`,`starttime`,`stoptime`,`showmoney`,`longmoney`,`avgmoney`,`pagename`,`imgurl`,`adname`,`task_type`,`message`,`platform_id`,`gamedetail`,`state`) VALUES ('34987','1702090303','1704708000','2724','2724','10','com.jysngzb.hy.htt','https://cimgs.17xianwan.com/corp-document/202311/22151600051.png','剑与少年(0.1折)·BP游戏','3','已有1万+人参与试玩','6','0','1') [ RunTime:0.0014s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34989' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0067s ] SQL: INSERT INTO `adsys_task_game` (`adid`,`starttime`,`stoptime`,`showmoney`,`longmoney`,`avgmoney`,`pagename`,`imgurl`,`adname`,`task_type`,`message`,`platform_id`,`gamedetail`,`state`) VALUES ('34989','1702090144','1704708000','2652.75','2652','10','com.szhxnz1.net.htt','https://cimgs.17xianwan.com/corp-document/202311/14174700044.jpg','神州豪侠(0.1折)·可玩','3','已有1万+人参与试玩','6','0','1') [ RunTime:0.0017s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34991' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0067s ] SQL: INSERT INTO `adsys_task_game` (`adid`,`starttime`,`stoptime`,`showmoney`,`longmoney`,`avgmoney`,`pagename`,`imgurl`,`adname`,`task_type`,`message`,`platform_id`,`gamedetail`,`state`) VALUES ('34991','1702089057','1704708000','1587.75','1587','10','com.juxiang.jbdfw34107','https://cimgs.17xianwan.com/corp-document/202310/30183700042.jpg','金币大富翁(新服)·巨像','3','已有1万+人参与试玩','6','0','1') [ RunTime:0.0015s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34981' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0069s ] SQL: INSERT INTO `adsys_task_game` (`adid`,`starttime`,`stoptime`,`showmoney`,`longmoney`,`avgmoney`,`pagename`,`imgurl`,`adname`,`task_type`,`message`,`platform_id`,`gamedetail`,`state`) VALUES ('34981','1702087368','1704621600','5940.25','5940','10','com.waterdrop.ryjqzk.flyfunny.qiqi.xyouxi1','https://cimgs.17xianwan.com/corp-document/202309/20174000057.png','荣耀崛起至臻版(0.1折)·X游戏','3','已有1万+人参与试玩','6','0','1') [ RunTime:0.0013s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34897' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0067s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34897' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0095s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34429' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0066s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34429' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0095s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34934' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0069s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34934' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0094s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34418' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0065s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34418' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0094s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34936' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0070s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34936' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0097s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34877' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0068s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34877' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0094s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34917' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0068s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34917' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0093s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34867' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0066s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34867' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0105s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34764' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0067s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34764' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0093s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34831' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0066s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34831' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0093s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34939' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0068s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34939' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0095s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34428' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0065s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34428' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0091s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34922' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0068s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34922' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0095s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34679' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0066s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34679' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0095s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34721' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0067s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34721' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0092s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34853' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0068s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34853' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0091s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34970' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0068s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34970' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0092s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34359' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0065s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34359' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0096s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34941' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0068s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34941' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0092s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34927' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0068s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34927' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0106s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34944' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0068s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34944' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0093s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34786' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0067s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34786' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0093s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34969' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0068s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34969' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0758s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34911' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0265s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34911' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0114s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34431' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0071s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34431' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0101s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34888' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0070s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34888' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0099s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34609' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0067s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34609' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0099s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34926' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0069s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34926' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0100s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34578' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0067s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34578' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0098s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34816' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0068s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34816' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0096s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34940' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0069s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34940' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0094s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34806' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0073s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34806' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0126s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34852' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0068s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34852' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0090s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34876' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0067s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34876' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0087s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34924' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0068s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34924' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0091s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34466' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0064s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34466' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0086s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34874' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0067s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34874' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0087s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34854' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0067s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34854' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0087s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34480' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0065s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34480' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0088s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34682' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0068s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34682' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0089s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34893' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0068s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34893' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0087s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34974' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0069s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34974' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0087s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34832' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0067s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34832' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0087s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34784' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0068s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34784' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0099s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34880' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0069s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34880' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0092s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34948' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0068s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34948' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0087s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34982' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0068s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34982' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0086s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34909' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0067s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34909' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0086s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34716' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0066s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34716' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0086s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34949' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0068s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34949' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0087s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34881' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0068s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34881' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0086s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34771' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0067s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34771' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0113s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34920' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0068s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34920' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0087s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34908' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0069s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34908' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0087s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34942' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0069s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34942' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0090s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34555' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0066s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34555' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0090s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34417' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0067s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34417' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0090s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34895' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0067s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34895' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0093s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34493' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0065s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34493' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0086s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34551' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0065s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34551' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0086s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34905' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0067s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34905' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0088s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34548' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0065s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34548' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0087s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34646' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0066s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34646' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0087s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34898' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0068s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34898' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0087s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34860' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0067s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34860' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0092s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34554' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0066s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34554' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0092s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34497' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0065s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34497' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0094s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34891' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0071s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34891' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0099s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34870' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0069s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34870' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0100s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34878' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0068s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34878' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0097s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34685' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0066s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34685' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0092s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34785' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0067s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34785' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0112s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34928' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0067s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34928' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0095s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34886' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0073s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34886' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0116s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34810' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0069s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34810' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0106s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34744' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0068s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34744' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0095s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34907' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0068s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34907' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0092s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34846' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0068s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34846' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0093s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34579' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0066s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34579' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0825s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34538' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0100s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34538' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0109s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34574' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0071s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34574' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0100s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34523' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0068s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34523' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0104s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34930' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0069s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34930' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0097s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34834' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0068s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34834' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0094s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34754' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0068s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34754' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0094s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34778' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0067s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34778' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0094s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34603' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0066s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34603' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0094s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34872' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0070s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34872' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0097s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34875' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0069s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34875' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0095s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34740' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0067s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34740' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0123s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34705' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0067s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34705' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0097s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34611' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0067s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34611' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0101s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34773' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0067s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34773' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0093s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34536' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0065s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34536' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0094s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34742' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0066s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34742' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0093s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34823' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0067s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34823' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0098s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34678' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0067s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34678' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0095s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34760' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0067s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34760' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0119s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34861' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0068s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34861' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0090s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34427' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0067s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34427' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0092s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34666' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0066s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34666' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0094s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34836' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0067s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34836' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0094s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34572' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0065s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34572' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0091s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34821' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0066s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34821' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0093s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34747' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0066s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34747' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0089s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34490' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0065s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34490' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0089s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34681' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0066s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34681' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0097s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34824' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0067s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34824' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0090s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34720' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0066s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34720' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0090s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34521' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0065s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34521' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0089s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34686' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0067s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34686' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0090s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34710' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0067s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34710' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0092s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34421' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0066s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34421' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0093s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34748' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0068s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34748' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0092s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34713' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0069s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34713' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0089s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34837' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0067s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34837' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0094s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34647' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0066s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34647' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0114s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34573' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0070s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34573' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0091s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34639' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0066s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34639' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0102s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34465' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0066s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34465' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0092s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34767' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0067s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34767' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0092s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34672' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0066s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34672' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0093s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34718' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0066s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34718' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0091s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34640' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0066s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34640' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0093s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34458' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0065s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34458' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0093s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34533' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0065s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34533' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0097s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34571' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0065s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34571' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0091s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34363' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0064s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34363' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0093s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34364' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0064s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34364' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0088s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34519' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0065s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34519' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0089s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34550' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0065s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34550' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0090s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34722' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0066s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34722' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0094s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34607' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0066s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34607' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0088s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34774' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0066s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34774' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0089s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34552' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0065s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34552' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0241s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34608' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0805s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34608' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0124s ] SQL: SELECT * FROM `adsys_task_game` WHERE `adid` = '34518' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0068s ] NOTIC: [2] Illegal offset type in isset or empty C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\ThinkPHP\Library\Think\Model.class.php 第 445 行. SQL: UPDATE `adsys_task_game` SET `state`='1' WHERE `adid` = '34518' AND `platform_id` = 6 AND ( state<>2 and FROM_UNIXTIME(stoptime)>now() ) [ RunTime:0.0094s ] [ 2023-12-09T20:07:52+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php?s=/Task/gameinfo INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000004s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000032s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000061s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000075s ] NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [8] Constant SELLERUID already defined C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 22 行. SQL: SELECT p.* FROM adsys_task_game p where FROM_UNIXTIME(p.stoptime)>now() [ RunTime:0.0100s ] SQL: SELECT p.* FROM adsys_task_game p where FROM_UNIXTIME(p.stoptime)>now() order by (case p.state when 1 then 0 else 1 end),p.sorttop desc,p.starttime desc limit 0,20 [ RunTime:0.0072s ] NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: all_commission C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\TaskModel.class.php 第 326 行. NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: all_commission C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\TaskModel.class.php 第 326 行. NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: all_commission C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\TaskModel.class.php 第 326 行. NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: all_commission C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\TaskModel.class.php 第 326 行. NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: all_commission C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\TaskModel.class.php 第 326 行. NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: all_commission C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\TaskModel.class.php 第 326 行. NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: all_commission C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\TaskModel.class.php 第 326 行. NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: all_commission C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\TaskModel.class.php 第 326 行. NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: all_commission C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\TaskModel.class.php 第 326 行. NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: all_commission C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\TaskModel.class.php 第 326 行. NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: all_commission C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\TaskModel.class.php 第 326 行. NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: all_commission C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\TaskModel.class.php 第 326 行. NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: all_commission C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\TaskModel.class.php 第 326 行. NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: all_commission C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\TaskModel.class.php 第 326 行. NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: all_commission C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\TaskModel.class.php 第 326 行. NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: all_commission C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\TaskModel.class.php 第 326 行. NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: all_commission C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\TaskModel.class.php 第 326 行. NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: all_commission C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\TaskModel.class.php 第 326 行. NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: all_commission C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\TaskModel.class.php 第 326 行. NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: all_commission C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\TaskModel.class.php 第 326 行. [ 2023-12-09T20:31:56+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php?s=/Index/indextop INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000005s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000085s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000163s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000180s ] NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [8] Constant SELLERUID already defined C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 22 行. [ 2023-12-09T20:31:57+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php?s=/Task/gameinfo INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000005s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000033s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000062s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000076s ] NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [8] Constant SELLERUID already defined C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 22 行. SQL: SELECT p.* FROM adsys_task_game p where FROM_UNIXTIME(p.stoptime)>now() [ RunTime:0.0733s ] SQL: SELECT p.* FROM adsys_task_game p where FROM_UNIXTIME(p.stoptime)>now() order by (case p.state when 1 then 0 else 1 end),p.sorttop desc,p.starttime desc limit 0,20 [ RunTime:0.0060s ] NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: all_commission C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\TaskModel.class.php 第 326 行. NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: all_commission C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\TaskModel.class.php 第 326 行. NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: all_commission C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\TaskModel.class.php 第 326 行. NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: all_commission C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\TaskModel.class.php 第 326 行. NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: all_commission C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\TaskModel.class.php 第 326 行. NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: all_commission C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\TaskModel.class.php 第 326 行. NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: all_commission C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\TaskModel.class.php 第 326 行. NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: all_commission C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\TaskModel.class.php 第 326 行. NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: all_commission C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\TaskModel.class.php 第 326 行. NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: all_commission C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\TaskModel.class.php 第 326 行. NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: all_commission C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\TaskModel.class.php 第 326 行. NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: all_commission C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\TaskModel.class.php 第 326 行. NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: all_commission C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\TaskModel.class.php 第 326 行. NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: all_commission C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\TaskModel.class.php 第 326 行. NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: all_commission C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\TaskModel.class.php 第 326 行. NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: all_commission C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\TaskModel.class.php 第 326 行. NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: all_commission C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\TaskModel.class.php 第 326 行. NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: all_commission C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\TaskModel.class.php 第 326 行. NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: all_commission C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\TaskModel.class.php 第 326 行. NOTIC: [8] Undefined index: all_commission C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Model\TaskModel.class.php 第 326 行. [ 2023-12-09T20:31:58+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php?s=/Index/orderpending INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000004s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000032s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000161s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000186s ] NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [8] Constant SELLERUID already defined C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 22 行. INFO: [ view_parse ] --START-- INFO: [ template_filter ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000057s ] INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000075s ] INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.047757s ] INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.047787s ] INFO: [ view_filter ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000222s ] INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000236s ] INFO: [ app_end ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000194s ] INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000212s ] [ 2023-12-09T20:32:00+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php?s=/Index/orderpendinginfo INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000004s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000032s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000064s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000079s ] NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [8] Constant SELLERUID already defined C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 22 行. SQL: SELECT p.*,t.task_orderno,count(t.id) as submitcount FROM adsys_task p left join adsys_task_order t on t.task_id=p.id where t.taskstate=3 and FROM_UNIXTIME(t.submit_time)0 and FROM_UNIXTIME(add_time)>date(now()) ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.1963s ] SQL: SELECT COUNT(*) AS tp_count FROM `adsys_openid` LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0230s ] SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_task_order` [ RunTime:0.0007s ] SQL: SELECT COUNT(*) AS tp_count FROM `adsys_task_order` WHERE `taskstate` = 3 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0185s ] SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_pay` [ RunTime:0.0006s ] SQL: SELECT SUM(cash_money) AS tp_sum FROM `adsys_pay` WHERE ( state=1 and FROM_UNIXTIME(finish_time)>date(now()) ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0617s ] SQL: SELECT SUM(cash_money) AS tp_sum FROM `adsys_pay` WHERE `state` = 1 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.0105s ] SQL: SHOW COLUMNS FROM `adsys_serial` [ RunTime:0.0007s ] SQL: SELECT SUM(seller_money) AS tp_sum FROM `adsys_serial` WHERE ( trading_channel in(2,3,5,6,7,8,10,11,12,15) and FROM_UNIXTIME(serial_create_time)>date(now()) ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:1.6038s ] SQL: SELECT COUNT(*) AS tp_count FROM `adsys_serial` WHERE ( trading_channel in(2,3,5,6,7,8,10,11,12,15) and FROM_UNIXTIME(serial_create_time)>date(now()) ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:2.1585s ] SQL: SELECT COUNT(*) AS tp_count FROM `adsys_task_order` WHERE `taskstate` = 1 AND ( task_id>0 and exclusive=0 and FROM_UNIXTIME(finish_time)>date(now()) ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:3.0520s ] SQL: SELECT SUM(seller_money) AS tp_sum FROM `adsys_serial` WHERE ( trading_channel in(2,3,5,6,7,8,10,11,12,15) ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:2.0752s ] [ 2023-12-09T20:32:18+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php?s=/Index/cashpending INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000006s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000040s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000163s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000181s ] NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [8] Constant SELLERUID already defined C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 22 行. INFO: [ view_parse ] --START-- INFO: [ template_filter ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ContentReplaceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000086s ] INFO: [ template_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000113s ] INFO: Run Behavior\ParseTemplateBehavior [ RunTime:0.041628s ] INFO: [ view_parse ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.041655s ] INFO: [ view_filter ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\WriteHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000185s ] INFO: [ view_filter ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000199s ] INFO: [ app_end ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ShowPageTraceBehavior [ RunTime:0.000161s ] INFO: [ app_end ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000178s ] [ 2023-12-09T20:32:18+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php?s=/Index/cashpendinginfo INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000006s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000040s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000062s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000077s ] NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行. NOTIC: [8] Constant SELLERUID already defined C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 22 行. SQL: SELECT p.*,t.nickname,t.headimgurl,t.all_money,t.tui_money,t.task_money,t.tui_count,t.task_count,t.sign_money,t.reward_money FROM adsys_pay p left join adsys_openid t on t.userid=p.userid and t.relationid=p.relationid where p.state=0 [ RunTime:0.1162s ] SQL: SELECT p.*,t.nickname,t.headimgurl,t.all_money,t.tui_money,t.task_money,t.tui_count,t.task_count,t.sign_money,t.reward_money FROM adsys_pay p left join adsys_openid t on t.userid=p.userid and t.relationid=p.relationid where p.state=0 order by p.id desc limit 0,20 [ RunTime:0.0014s ] [ 2023-12-09T22:12:39+08:00 ] /xinwan/seller.php INFO: [ app_init ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\BuildLiteBehavior [ RunTime:0.000007s ] INFO: [ app_init ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000037s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --START-- INFO: Run Behavior\ReadHtmlCacheBehavior [ RunTime:0.000181s ] INFO: [ app_begin ] --END-- [ RunTime:0.000200s ] NOTIC: [2] define() expects at least 2 parameters, 1 given C:\Apache24\apacheWorkspace\xinwan\Modules\Seller\Controller\CommonController.class.php 第 21 行.